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  1. joshingme


    Thank you
  2. joshingme


    Hi im new to can u please tell me how i can change my password? In this phone it automatically sifna in but when i go on my tablet it asks password and i dont remember it.
  3. joshingme

    To many?

    Thats something i had in mind. I wod like to see the dempsies pair up and the other fish can be show fish. ..
  4. joshingme

    To many?

    Ok. So please suggest what i should give.away.
  5. joshingme

    To many?

    Thank you. I'm not sure how to sex them. I was waiting for.them to pair up and then give away the third. I would love to.hear opinions about me moving over to.wet dry filtration....
  6. joshingme

    To many?

    Hi everyone. I have a 155 gallon. I stocked it 8 months ago with the following. 3 jack dempsies,3 green terrors,1 blue dempsie,2 geos,3 firemouths,3 tin foil barbs,5 convicts, 1 jewel, 3 texas. Do u think its to.many fish? I have 3 large canisters filled with ceramic rings
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