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  1. Razorback01

    Nitrifying bacteria

    Leave for a 5 day vacation in 5 days. I'm having to do daily water changes to keep nitrites down after a major rebuild of my tank. Im kind of surprised as I'm using the same filter (however I did change the substrate to a better plant friendly substrate while I added fluorite). Is there an...
  2. Razorback01

    Help! Floor stripper/wax where my 55g is housed.

    The floor of room where my 55g is will be is getting a fresh coat of wax on Monday. The first thing they do is use a wax stripper which actually hurts my eyes when I'm in the same room. Now I have very sensitive eyes and it doesn't seem to bother the guys using it. None the less, is it likely...
  3. Razorback01

    Moving everything from one to another

    Hi everyone and thanks in advance for your replies! I'm wanting to move everything from my 20g planted tank to a 29g so my plants will have a better place to live as well as my inhabitants! I have some ideas on the best way to do this while disturbing the bio the least... I'm wondering what...
  4. Razorback01

    Blessings from Arkansas.

    Im new here and have enjoyed browsing your forums. Thanks in advance to those of you who will be commenting on my aquatic art as I like to call it. Blessings to everyone in everything you do. James
  5. Razorback01

    my 55 gallon planted (critiques encouraged)

    55 gallon 1 striped anglefish 1 black anglefish 4 (leopord) anglefish (juveniles to be thinned out for a possible pair as they mature) 18 cardinal tetras 8 rummy nose 6 peppered cories 2 curviseps 4 amazon swords (some to be removed) 1 red rubin sword java moss 1 moss ball wisteria hair grass...
  6. Razorback01

    my 20 gallon planted (critiques encouraged :)

    20 gallon long: 8 gold ring danios 6 glowlight tetras 2 scarlet badis 1 hillstream loach 1 liquorice gourami 1 oto cat 4 amano shrimp 3 nerite snails 1 amazon sword pennywort java fern micro sword rotala indica water sprite wisteria 2 moss balls banana plant high output lighting DIY CO2 (soon...
  7. Razorback01

    Tank mate suggestions

    Have a 55 gallon heavily planted tank including 18 cardinal tetras, 12 black skirt tetras, a rainbow shark, 6 speckled cories and some various snails. I'm contemplating adding 6 Denison barbs. I would like some other opinions on something else to add that will just pop. Thanks in advance.
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