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  1. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  2. Cichlids


  3. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  4. gheitman

    started my first saltwater tank - BioCube8 nano reef

    I realize that the SPS may not work because of the lighting and haven't made up my mind yet one way or the other. I'd like to get a sand-sifting, algae-eating goby like Hector's or Rainsford's if I can find one but my LFS would have to order one.
  5. gheitman

    14g biocube question

    One of the things you might want to add is this
  6. gheitman

    My shellies are here!

    Congratulations on your purchase. I've been looking for sources online of some gold occies but can't find any right now. Did you get yours locally or order them from someone?
  7. gheitman

    Biocube moonlights aren't good anymore

    You can get replacement LEDs ast There may be other sources as well.
  8. gheitman

    started my first saltwater tank - BioCube8 nano reef

    After keeping freshwater tanks for over 10 years I finally decided to jump into saltwater. A few weeks ago I picked up a used BioCube 8 off of Craigslist and just finished setting it up last night. It has the standard lighting (2 blue moon-glow LEDs, 1 18W 10K daylight CFL and 1 18W Actinic 03...
  9. gheitman

    Multi babies

    I would send them an e-mail message about your order. I've ordered from them several times over the last few years without any problems.
  10. gheitman

    Multi babies

    I got the gold and silver mouth turbo shells from this web site Title for my multies. I put over a hundred in a 20 gallon long tank.
  11. gheitman

    Champaign Area Fish Exchange summer auction in Urbana, Illinois on July 10th

    Champaign Area Fish Exchange (aka CAFE - the fish club for Champaign, Urbana and surrounding region in East central Illinois) will have its next auction at the Urbana Civic Center on Saturday, July 10th. Both admission and parking are free. The Urbana Civic Center is located at 108 E Water...
  12. gheitman

    which filter is better for a 30g

    Personally I'd go with the Penguin 200 or even the 350. It depends on how heavily stocked your tank is going to be. It is always better to have too much filtration than too little. The BIO-Wheel increases the oxygen contact for aerobic bacteria that contributes to the nitrogen cycle. The...
  13. gheitman

    Planted my tank

    Sometimes LFS will keep Brazilian swords fully submersed in the tanks with other plants so you think that they are completely aquatic when they aren't. Check to make sure that you didn't get Brazilian swords and if you did take them back and exchange them for Amazon swords. Most fish stores...
  14. gheitman

    Test kit for color blind?

    I had trouble telling the reading with the API test kits but found the Hagen ones much easier to read.
  15. gheitman

    What to feed small African Cichlids?

    In addition to NLS Cichlid Formula as mentioned previously I feed mine frozen bloodworms and spirulina-enhanced brine shrimp.
  16. gheitman

    T5HO bulb in standard T5 fixture...

    You need to have T5NO (normal output) bulbs in that fixture. The ballast isn't equipped to handle T5HO bulbs and you can't change the ballast.
  17. gheitman

    do african cichlids need auarium salt?

    There are salts available that are supposed to closely replicate the mineral content of the various African rift lakes and Amazon river basin. I have them and have used them sometimes but found that they aren't really necessary. Good water quality, food variety seem to make the biggest...
  18. gheitman

    turning off filters when feeding fish

    While some people recommend reducing the flow or completely turning off a filter during feeding I've never done that in nine years. With canister filters it would be a real hassle and unless your fish aren't eating I suggest you leave the filters on.
  19. gheitman

    New aquarium questions...

    You could actually go with a combination of a canister filter and HOB filter with one on each end. That way if one fails the other would still be doing the job. I'm not sure about how many bala sharks would be the right amount for a tank that size but the length of cycling depends on if you...
  20. gheitman

    Red Plants

    What kind of plants do you have? Many will bring out the red by increasing the amount of iron that you dose while others may require changes in other nutrients.
  21. gheitman

    October FW WINNER

    Those really are beautiful fish.
  22. gheitman

    Champaign Area Fish Exchange Auction January 16th

    Champaign Area Fish Exchange (aka CAFE - the fish club for Champaign, Urbana and surrounding region in East central Illinois) will have its next auction at the Urbana Civic Center on Saturday, January 16th. Both admission and parking are free. The Urbana Civic Center is located at 108 E Water...
  23. gheitman

    Good brand heater ???

    You certainly can use a Stealth heater with a canister but it clutters up the tank less, and may be more effective as well, if you use a inline heater. I have Smartheaters on both of my Filstar canister filters and like they way they look and work.
  24. gheitman

    Good brand heater ???

    The only reason not to get a Visi-Therm Stealth heater is if you are using a canister filter. In that case you should get a Hydor ETH inline heater.
  25. gheitman

    Filter of the Day

    I don't see any problem running the filter with the lid off. If you wanted to keep it on you could get a small piece of foam and use that to hold the lid in place. I have two AquaClear filters myself and they don't make any noise except occasionally.
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