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  1. Russelmartin55

    Female betta fish color

    Nope sorry.:/ but if she is a baby she probably will color up Once she gets settled and maybe gets a little bit older. My female was white when I got her and is now more colorful than one of my males!
  2. Russelmartin55

    Dragon betta

    My exact problem. Good thing I don't go there often.
  3. Russelmartin55

    Daughters 5 gal build

    Depends on the Bettas personality. Sometimes you can, but other times the betta eats them. Start out with the cheap .50 cent ghost shrimp and See if he eats them.
  4. Russelmartin55

    Daughters 5 gal build

    Neons are active fish and need a bigger tank. I would put a betta in there with a Snail. You could also do endlers scarlet badis, and so on
  5. Russelmartin55

    Dragon betta

    He's really pretty. If it's not bothering him and he's still eating i wouldn't worry about it.
  6. Russelmartin55

    Sick betta

    Yes he is very pretty!
  7. Russelmartin55

    Betta names!

    I don't really have a very active imagination, but I usually name mine after movies: Raja (Aladdin) Primrose (hunger games) Another one is my crowntail male King ( get it, CROWNtail) lol and my baby betta is named miracle, because it's a miracle he's alive after my friend didn't feed him for a...
  8. Russelmartin55

    Can"t cycle my tank

    Or you could sprinkle a Little bit of fish food in for the ammonia to "eat"
  9. Russelmartin55

    Minumum tank size for betta?

    In my opinion, the minimum a betta will be happy in is a 2.5 gal heated/filtered
  10. Russelmartin55

    New Years Resolutions

    I bet! I fell really bad for them, but I'm Trying the best I can. And soon all 3 males will have their own 2.5 gal heated/filtered and the other one will be in a 14 gal with pygmy corys and hopefully shrimp
  11. Russelmartin55

    Need Advice!

    I say go for it. Remember to do 3-4 water changes a week before you can get him in the 5 gallon. I know how you feel, when they give you that look it is very hard to resist!
  12. Russelmartin55

    New Years Resolutions

    I resolve to get my poor Bettas bigger tanks
  13. Russelmartin55

    favorite fish

    Right now, my favorites are my big marble angelfish, and bettas
  14. Russelmartin55

    betta vs. tetras

    Neons need swimming space of at least 20 gallons. If you did that, it would work out well. But just in case have a back-up tank
  15. Russelmartin55

    betta vs. tetras

    Probably not, but it all depends on the temperament of the betta. What size tank are we talking about?
  16. Russelmartin55

    Help sexing a betta.

    It really looks like a female to me
  17. Russelmartin55

    Show us some of your best pictures of your fish

    I'll try to get pics of my other 3
  18. Russelmartin55

    Show us some of your best pictures of your fish

    Ha, I now have 5 Bettas !i have Definetly caught betta fever! If I bring one more home my parents will probably kill me! Here are some of my better pics:
  19. Russelmartin55

    Merry christmas

    Merry christmas
  20. Russelmartin55

    Territiriality and memory- betta fish

    I wouldnt, if he already attacked them he'll do it again. But u can try rearranging decor then placing him back in so there will be no territories
  21. Russelmartin55

    betta on laying on bottom

    Very true. One of my Bettas is lazy but when I come near The tank he perks right up. 2 of mine are always patrolling the tank, and the other one floats around then stares at me when I come.
  22. Russelmartin55

    New crowd control

    He's very pretty! Just so you know, there may be some fin nipping from the betta because the male guppies tail is colorful and may look like a Bettas tail. I have 4 and Bettas are definetly my favorite fish. Full of personality. You won't be sorry with your purchase
  23. Russelmartin55

    Betta Fish Breeding

    Hey!! I'll Definetly buy some of ur Bettas!! I'm on the east coast to!
  24. Russelmartin55

    5 gallon Ideas

    A betta would also be a great choice and has a lot of personality and will fit comfortably in the 5
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