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  1. Reef girl34

    what r these tube like things on my LR?

    Thanks so much for the help!!!
  2. Reef girl34

    what r these tube like things on my LR?

    Oh great..they're starting to grow all over that rock.. I guess I'll read up on it.. To see what kind of lighting and food (if any)it needs... Thanks for your help!
  3. Reef girl34

    what r these tube like things on my LR?

    Is that a good thing it bad?
  4. Reef girl34

    what r these tube like things on my LR?

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the hobby and was wondering what these tube like things are growing out of my LR? Thanks for the help!
  5. Reef girl34

    New to site from Lake Elsinore, California

    Hello everyone, Just started my first saltwater tank almost 2 months ago. I'm having a blast so far. I have a 40g long tank with a hob Refugium with a protien skimmer and a eshopps 75g wet/dry that I replaced bio balls with to the hobby and hope I can get some insight and advice from...
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