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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  2. New platys

    New platys

  3. Dwarf Sunset Coral Platys
Red Wag-Tail Platys

    Dwarf Sunset Coral Platys Red Wag-Tail Platys

  4. C


    Thank you all so much for your help! Any particular brand of liqiud testing kit you recommend, Menagerie?
  5. C


    I feed them once a day. I know sometimes my mother feeds them thinking I haven't, so they get fed double every once in awhile. I'm looking back at my records of the test before the last water change(when the worms were still present,) and the nitrate was about 40 ppm which was labeled as...
  6. C


    Sorry for the delay in my response, I've been busy with the start of the new semester and my crappy job and what not...I check the parameters of the tank every other week, they were all in safe conditions when I noticed the worms. I did a water change last week and a thourough cleaning of the...
  7. C


    I suppose I am a 'newbie,' but one of my aquariums, a 20 gal. FW containing mollies and swordtails and sneaky uninvited snails has caused some curiosity on my part. Everything seems to be fine a dandy, everyone seems happy and healthy and there have been no fatalities in quite some time. Temp is...
  8. 10 gallons, there were only 3 black molly babies in there.

    10 gallons, there were only 3 black molly babies in there.

  9. My old aquarium with an unsightly breeder net

    My old aquarium with an unsightly breeder net

  10. my fish doin' what they do.

    my fish doin' what they do.

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