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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Issombeituni

    My 55 gallon

    Yeah buddy
  2. Issombeituni

    My 55 gallon

    I have a 55 gallon Cichlid tank. I have painted the tank. I have 2 Aquatop canisters 575gph and. 375gph the. 2 powerheads 1300gph and 725gph What do u guys think?
  3. image 1406455271

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  6. 15 gallon

    15 gallon

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  17. Issombeituni

    My ram looking good?

    What do u guys think
  18. Issombeituni

    Electric blue sick or injured?

    All better loving life now
  19. Issombeituni

    Cleaning tubes from canister

    When to clean them and how. I have mine set up for about a month and they have build up in them. They are green tubes
  20. Issombeituni

    Dyi filter media

    Pads are working perfect quick question how do u guys recommend cleaning them ? The bleach way or just rise them. The bottom layer catches the sand that is lifted up so i removed the bottom pad and shifted the middle to the bottom and then added a new pad.
  21. Issombeituni

    High fin

    This is my baby...i hand feed her with no problems loves all veggies and wafers
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    image 1789026800

  23. Issombeituni

    Electric blue sick or injured?

    Update i am treating him in a specimen holder and not letting his water get in the tank. Using this stuff and he seems to be doing better. Any other suggestions on meds?
  24. Issombeituni

    Electric blue sick or injured?

    Got this guy from the lfs and want to know whats wrong with him. He stays on the bottom and wont use one of his side fins and eats great and kinda agressive
  25. Issombeituni

    Dyi filter media

    Works perfect
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