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  1. T

    cloudy water

    What's wrong with pink gravel?
  2. T

    cloudy water

    It's worse today... it looks like someone poured a small glass of milk in the water. I've never vacuumed either one of my tanks. I also haven't done water changes, just evaporation replacements, but that is when it gets cloudy. Here is the pattern: I replace about a gallon of water every other...
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    cloudy water

    My 20 gallon tank is only about 6 months old & it seems to only be clear once in a while for a day or so. I have 4 mollys & 2 flying foxes with an airstone running constantly & a new filter. I've used the drops but it doesn't seem to work for very long. Any suggestions? [ATTACH]
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    how many is too many

    Thank you everyone. So I'll "give back" my flying foxes to the store & pick up 2 more little neons. The mollies are all female so there is no breeding issues. The goldfish in the little tank will be going to the goldfish pond when they get bigger. They're too small right now. I'm really glad...
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    how many is too many

    Thank you for all of the tips... I'm kind of upset at my local aquarium store because I went in to purchase a tiny pleco & the sales clerk talked me into the flying foxes explaining that they will stay small and are compatable with the fish I have. I do believe they have a no-return policy. I...
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    how many is too many

    My nephew gave me a 20 gallon hex tank with 5 mollies (all but 1 under an inch long) and a neon... so I bought 2 flying foxes (to keep tank clean) and 3 more neons because I heard neons did better in schools. However, now I have 11 fish in a 20 gallon with plants... I don't want them to start...
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