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  1. babygirl1015

    water change problem for my 75 gal tank

    Ya Im gonna get some Prime tomorrow. The ph is good out of the tap water. No the ph is good now that I have done a water change in the tank. All my readings are good right now, I just have the cloudyness.
  2. babygirl1015

    water change problem for my 75 gal tank

    yes I graveled vac, I put some api conditioner in it and some stress coat and enzym in it. My ph was about 8.0 and my ammonia im not sure but it wasnt on my chart. The nitrate and nitride was ok.
  3. babygirl1015

    water change problem for my 75 gal tank

    Im new at this fish tank stuff. I have a 75 gal tank and I have 3 mollys, 4 tetras and 2 algea suckers. I did a 30% water change today because my ammonia and ph was off the chart. Now my tank is cloudy, why? I treated the water and everything....pls help :)
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