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  1. cassiebug

    New Moscow Guppies

    My newest additions! Beautiful Black Moscows!!
  2. cassiebug

    Best algae cleaner???

    What is the best algae eating fish? I have a 29 gal with angels, rabbit snails, yoyo loaches, cories and siamese algae eaters, but the glass still gets that film of algae. What are the best 'housekeepers' for the job? TIA cassiebug
  3. cassiebug

    Algae Eater - Chinese Gold - Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

    Has anyone experienced this fish being aggressive to tankmates? I read an article on a site on this fish "Do not keep with smaller fish such as Neon Tetras or slow moving high-backed fish such as Angelfish and Discus When young will eat algae. As it ages it quickly loses the taste for plant...
  4. cassiebug

    Do you acclimate snails??

    Hi, I'm getting some rabbit snails and wondered if you acclimate snails same as you do fish. Is there anything that should be done to settle them into their new home? :confused: :thanks:
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