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  1. Dreadz

    Rainbow sharks

    Does anyone have any first hand experience of keeping a group of rainbow sharks (also known as ruby sharks or red finned sharks)? I acquired a pair with a tank I bought and have been trying unsuccessfully to rehome 1 as have always been under the impression that they should be kept alone...
  2. Dreadz

    Fish ID help please

    Can anyone ID these fish please?? Pretty sure they're rainbow fish but what kind?? Came with my new tank.
  3. Dreadz

    New 100g(uk) tank

    Finally found a replacement for my recently deceased tank and after an all night session setting it up (and rearranging the lounge to accommodate it!!) here it is It came with a few free fishies too :) so joining my 2 angels 2 bala sharks pair of GBR's, 9 cory's (6 sterbai, 3 albino)...
  4. Dreadz

    Tall tanks.

    Anybody have any first hand experience of tall tanks? I was all set to setup the 200g(UK) tank I acquired but am wondering if I could build a tank of similar volume but with a smaller footprint than the 66"x36" one I've got (my wife's not quite so keen on the monster tank as I am!!!). I was...
  5. Dreadz

    Need some tough plant suggestions please

    Can someone suggest some tough plants or plants that just won't be so tempting to my destructive clown loach! My fish are in a temporary home at the mo until I can set up my replacement main tank. I decided to try my hand at real plants both because of the more natural appearance and to soak up...
  6. Dreadz

    GBR torn fins. Silver proteinate??????

    My female ram has today appeared with a torn tail fin, her black stripes are far more obvious and her belly is very pink. The male has been chasing her all over the place and she spends more time hiding in the vals at the back of my tank. I've tried to photograph her as best I can I...
  7. Dreadz

    CO2 injection. Any alternative???!

    Is there any real alternative to an automated co2 injection system if I want to plant out my tank and maintain pH6.5 I'd got my tank stable but when i re-scaped it i thought i'd try real plants, having grown tired of unconvincing plastic deco and so I planted 2 amazon swords and 2 vallisneria...
  8. Dreadz

    New look temporary accomodation!

    Figured seeing as it may be a while until I can set up the monster tank which will replace my old 400litre ( which met a sudden and dramatic end!) I may as well make this one a bit nicer for my gang! Switched from gravel to black sand , rearranged bogwood, added some plants and made a light...
  9. Dreadz

    Monster tank build

    So, much to my wife's dismay I went home last night with this 205g (uk gal) beauty. It's going to be a gradual process while I build the stand and acquire all the equipment but thought I'd start a new thread for anyone who's interested in seeing how it progresses, and any suggestions please...
  10. Dreadz

    Suggestions for new 205g (uk) build??

    Have a 66x36x24 tank lined up and am trying to decide what to do with it. Really want to set up a discus tank but with my tap water testing at pH 8-8.2 am wondering whether I'd be better off choosing fish to suit my water rather than having my first foray into RO water set ups on such a big...
  11. Dreadz

    Bottled bacteria

    Having found myself in an impromptu fish in cycle in a tank seriously overstocked for cycling (long story!!) and after the filter seemingly crashed going from showing reasonable (0.25 to 0.5ppm) levels of ammo and nitrite and 5-10ppm nitrate before I carried out PWC on tuesday evening to...
  12. Dreadz

    Hi all. Cycling advice please!!

    Hi everyone and apologies in advance for a rather lengthy first post. I have joined this forum to pick your collective brains because despite having owned a tank for some time now I am still a novice in the grand scheme of things and I have found myself in the rather undesirable situation of...
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