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  1. Swordtaillover

    Broke Jaw

    If your fish does not eat after a few days, I would suggest euthanasia. Sorry about the problems.
  2. Swordtaillover

    Pregnant swordtails?

    Thanks for the estimate, I really appreciate it. I will post when they drop.
  3. Swordtaillover

    Pregnant swordtails?

    I have a couple of swordtails I have been trying to breed. Are these guys preggers?
  4. Swordtaillover

    Red Sail Fin Cory Sick?

    Sorry about your cory. Once they stop eating or moving, your pretty much assured that its the end of the road. Glad to know that you got some new healthy ones. Btw camo ones are probably peppered cories.
  5. Swordtaillover

    swordtail fry

    How r the fry doing. I would love to sees one pics of them more matured now.
  6. Swordtaillover

    Red Sail Fin Cory Sick?

    Sounds like a gonner. Sorry that your fish is going through that. I know how you feel. I have lost a lot of fish.
  7. Swordtaillover

    Internal Parasites?? Or just bad luck.

    The nitrites should be at total 0% for best results. I am in the same boat as you. Although my problems are more from rookie mistakes than anything else. If you use sprays like febreese and all that then the lid thing might be an issue. Try to have a minimum amount of activity going on in...
  8. Swordtaillover

    Red Sail Fin Cory Sick?

    Did you buy him like this. He looks like an albino cory to me.
  9. Swordtaillover

    Breeding behavior???

    I have 2 bronze cories that keep on almost 'eating' at each other. One is smaller than the other. It is like when they eat algae but on each other. Is this cory mating behavior?
  10. Swordtaillover

    Help me finish stocking my 20G tank!

    Cory's are really fun to watch in your tank. They do best in groups though. They are very good community dwellers
  11. Swordtaillover


    They will take any live food they can get. Just feed your other fish a little more often so they are less likely to eat them.
  12. Swordtaillover

    sword tail breeding

    It take about 6-8 weeks for the total process. Dont move the fish out if the tank. Just feed your fish extra a little before she gives birth. Then they won't eat the fry. Also try and keep lots of plants and ornaments and whatnot. Breeders stress fish out. Btw if you do do the plant method you...
  13. Swordtaillover

    mollies and swordtails

    Livebearers can store sperm until they are ready to have fry. It could and most likely be that she simply waited to use the sperm until a month ago when she was comfortable. Congrats btw
  14. Swordtaillover

    Is this molly pregnant?

    I believe she is due to her large belly and Gravid spot but it is very hard to see these due to the blurred quality. I can't be 100% sure without better pics
  15. Swordtaillover

    Is this swordtail pregnant?

    Ya I looked it up and seems to be a neon sword. ( she died though ) :(
  16. Swordtaillover

    Fish identification!!

    Thanks guys, I looked up a picture of peppered and habrosus cory and it is definitely a peppered, thanks again!
  17. Swordtaillover

    Swordtaillover here!!

    Nice to hear everybody's opinions!
  18. Swordtaillover

    Tiger barbs and livebearers/ cories?

    Thanks guys! The help is appreciated.
  19. Swordtaillover

    Tiger barbs and livebearers/ cories?

    I have an 18 gallon tank with some Cory's and I am replacing my (unfortunately) dead swordtails soon in the future. Do tiger barbs do well with livebearers and such? Does anybody have any experience with this?
  20. Swordtaillover


    I lost 4 fish a couple of days ago (not my fault) and I lost a fish today. The 4 fish caused nitrites to skyrocket! The pet store worker told me to do a 25 percent water change. I did that. With my fish that i just lost should I do a 10 percent water change. My tank is new so bacteria build up...
  21. Swordtaillover

    swordtail fry

    I am very happy to see some pics!!! Congrats!!! Swordtaillover
  22. Swordtaillover

    swordtail fry

    Thanks I am excited to see!
  23. Swordtaillover

    swordtail fry

    Coolness. Congrats! Hope to see lots of pics.
  24. Swordtaillover

    Scoliosis/breeding question?

    Cus of stress. They can be born with it and they can get it from stress. I changed the water too much = not enough bacteria = stress
  25. Swordtaillover

    Is this swordtail pregnant?

    Is my new swordtail pregnant? She isn't Gravid but do pregnant swordtails get large even before they become Gravid? Also while I'm at it, what kind of swordtail is she?
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