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  1. Bubba

    My new beginner tank. Wish me luck

    Thanks I had no idea. I have been watching them and so far they are getting along. I am going to keep watching and if I see any problems I will see if I can trade them in for something else.
  2. Bubba

    My new beginner tank. Wish me luck

    There is an opaline gourami, is that not good?
  3. image 915766936

    image 915766936

  4. image 4254407861

    image 4254407861

  5. image 3446090346

    image 3446090346

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    image 529465242

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    image 2416508121

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    image 3007806503

  9. image 1898757801

    image 1898757801

  10. image 143112225

    image 143112225

  11. Finally finished

    Finally finished

  12. Bubba

    My new beginner tank. Wish me luck

    I am fairly new at this. I hope they all continue to get along.
  13. Bubba

    Do I dare... get a dwarf gourami?

    This is my newest addition
  14. Bubba

    Do I dare... get a dwarf gourami?

    I have recently gotten gouramis for my tank. I have flame, neon blue, gold and opaline. I hope they will last. They do make a beautiful tank.
  15. image 1169070623

    image 1169070623

  16. image 1123021143

    image 1123021143

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    image 1620026262

  18. image 1621536870

    image 1621536870

  19. image 3378418990

    image 3378418990

  20. image 2571572836

    image 2571572836

  21. My new tank

    My new tank

  22. image 1343641473

    image 1343641473

  23. image 2686091832

    image 2686091832

  24. image 2063383006

    image 2063383006

  25. Jake    My old friend

    Jake My old friend

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