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  1. N

    Pajama Cardinal Fish Has the Spins

    I have a Pajama Cardinal (Sphaeramia nematoptera ) that has a case of the spins. It started several weeks ago when I noticed that she swims in a tight circle always in the same direction. It appears to be involuntary and causes her often to bump into things in the tank. She does this much of the...
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    Purple Algae

    Can anyone tell me what sort of algae this is on my java moss? Is it too much light perhaps? The parameters aren't bad. I have had some green hair algae over the last couple of months. It started when sunlight started hitting the tank directly. (summer sun) It popped up in the last couple of...
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    Skin and Bones African Dwarf Frog

    My friend's African Dwarf Frog has quickly lost weight and is now described as "skin and bones" and "frightening" in appearance. It is still acting normally and is eating fine and receiving plenty of food. She is at work and unable to check the parameters at this time but is not new to the hobby...
  4. N

    Very Interesting DG Mating Behavior, Normal?

    I purchased one male and three female Dwarf Gouramis a week or so ago and have been conditioning them to breed. The first day my male built his bubble nest and by the second day he was mating readily with my smallest but most colorful female. She is the only one that has definable blue and...
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    When Do Females Drop Eggs?

    My male Dwarf Gourami finished his bubble nest on Saturday and spent all day Sunday "embracing" with the female of his choosing. Time and time again they were under the nest doin the hibbity-dibbity until I was finally tired of checking on them and went to bed. I never saw her drop any eggs...
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    The Love Life of a Dwarf Gourami

    I just bought my Dwarf Gouramis last night. I purchased one male and three females. After acclimating them I noticed the male was cuddly with one of the females in particular. I call her Dot because she has a blue spot on her caudal peduncle. This morning I turned on the lights to find my male...
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    Assorted Cories

    I went to my usual LFS yesterday and asked them if they carry Peppered Cories [Corydoras paleatus]. The owner said, "sort of." He then continued on by saying that when they order Cory Cats they order an assortment. Except for the albinos, it's difficult to tell what your getting unless you have...
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    Choosing a Cory Cat

    Once my 29 gal tank is finished cycling It will contain 4 Dwarf Gouramis and I'd like to get a Cory. I have never had once [hence my interest] but am not sure how to go about choosing a type. I understand they prefer an acidic pH under most circumstances. Mine is neutral to alkaline...
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    Dwarf Gourami Inbreeding

    I've been reading about problems associated with too much inbreeding like health problems and loss of certain traits and was wondering if it is advised to purchase adults from different sources to avoid further inbreeding? I am curious what others do. [I'll be breeding Dwarf Gouramis in the...
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    Bettas Bettas Bettas!!!

    Here's my 6 gal at the office In it lives Murphy my crowntail betta with two African Dwarf Frogs Here's Flash who lives at home in a 10 gal. And Storm who lives in another 10 gal Here's photo of Bone. He passed away in November and was always Mama's favorite so I have to post a...
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    Conditioning for Breeding [Food question]

    I currently feed all my fish live and frozen foods even though I'm not breeding any. I'm wondering though, when i purchase dwarf gouramis for breeding will it better induce mating if I first feed them flake and pellet food and then make the more drastic switch to live and frozen once I'm ready...
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    Breeding Dwarf Gouramis

    I'm thinking about breeding dwarf gouramis. My expertise is with bettas, but I don't want to start with breeding an aggressive fish. [all those jars take up a lot of room]. I thought gouramis may be a good place to start so I will be reading up on the subject over the next couple of weeks...
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    I break for Bettas

    Hi. My name is Christie and I'm a bettaholic. I keep only betta splendens (and other tropicals) but would like to get into wild bettas one day. I also have dwarf puffers and African dwarf frogs as well as zebra danios and otos. I'm interested in other anabantoid fish and will...
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