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  1. B

    30g tank

    Than your tank is to small for the goerami's, i have à tank of 180 liter and no problem at all! Goerami's are no solo fish, THE best is to keep them in pairs! So when your tank is to small for à pair dont take them...
  2. B

    New: Opaline Gourami!

    It's 100% boy you can see it at THE form of is upper Fin back, Google difference between male and remake goerami and then you see IT with pictures
  3. B

    30g tank

    THE corydoras sterbai can have à maximum ph of 7.5 a ph of 7 is THE best condition for this fish!
  4. B

    30g tank

    À dwars goerami is better when you keep it in à couple!!!
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