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  1. C

    Advice on new 56 gallon community planted tank

    Thanks for asking. It's going well I think. I've got 4 Endlers, 5 Serpaes, 10 Neons, 2 Marigold Painted Swords (1m, 2f), a pair of GBR's, a clown Pleco, and a Bamboo Shrimp. Plantwise: rotala indica, moneywort, jungle val, an amazon sword that is going crazy, a C. wenditi, a couple of...
  2. C

    Advice on new 56 gallon community planted tank

    Thanks for the ideas. I really like watching the shrimp so I guess the Angels are out--though they are so beautiful. I like the look of the Rams, but I thought they'd be too aggressive with the smaller fish. I don't have room for another tank if the fish get too rough. Other suggestions...
  3. C

    Advice on new 56 gallon community planted tank

    thanks for the reply. I've worried about the depth--a powerhead might do it, I just don't know much about them. Should I consider a bigger filter like a Fluval fx5?
  4. C

    Advice on new 56 gallon community planted tank

    Hi all, I've learned a lot by lurking, but I'm ready to move from my little 10 gallon to a 56 gallon column tank I got off Craig's List. Before I even get to the fish I've got to get all the hardware straight. I'm planning on buying an Eheim 2217 and a Hydor 300 watt in-line heater. The...
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