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  1. G

    20 gallon project

    I'll try it again, but I have a feeling I'll go for the vacuum with the pump lol. Everything costs so much it's probably gonna be a while before I can start getting set up. The holiday season always drains the extra cash flow lol.
  2. G

    20 gallon project

    What about ADFs? I've read up on them, but I always like to hear from people who've had them.
  3. G

    20 gallon project

    I'd like a group of schooling fish, but I'm trying to think of something other than tetras. Corys are cute, I'll read up on them. Thanks!
  4. G

    20 gallon project

    Oh and I'm going to do a fishless cycle this time. I was forced into a fish-in cycle last time and stressed constantly about the welfare of the fish so I swore I'd always do fishless in the future.
  5. G

    20 gallon project

    The tank I have now is a 20 gallon. I didn't know there were Gravel vacuums with pumps, I'll have to check into those. :-) I am familiar with cycling and already have my API test kit ready to go, although I don't have tank ready yet. Thank you all for all of the help. :-)
  6. G

    20 gallon project

    Okay thank you.
  7. G

    20 gallon project

    Oh! And the tank I have now (used) doesn't look like it's been cleaned since the last time it was used. I read vinegar is good, so I'll give that a try. It also came with one of those long airstones you put horizontally in the bottom back of the tank (also looks quite dirty), is there anything...
  8. G

    20 gallon project

    Okay I'll pass on the khulis. I had a gravel vacuum with my last tank, and I couldn't get it to do anything. I followed the directions of doing the pumping motion in the water and it would start pulling water, but stop very shortly after. The tank I have now came with a larger vacuum. Maybe...
  9. G

    20 gallon project

    Several years ago, a friend dumped a 10 gallon tank on me full of feeder guppies. I researched as fast as I could and saved the tank (ammonia levels were insane), and fell in love with it. I added some plants and got some blue pearl shrimp (which came with some kind of moss and some pesky...
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