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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. spazshark

    What should I put in this tank?

    Wow that's beautiful! I haven't had success with live plants. I can grow those bulbs that come in packs of three fine, but when i tried buying mature live plants, there was a really bad outbreak of some kind of worms in my tank :banghead:
  2. spazshark

    Am I too overstocked?

    You're not overstocked! You're doing good. Ottos usually live in schools of 6 and cories in packs of 3.
  3. spazshark

    What should I put in this tank?

    Yes, I AM a newbie :) I have been a yahoo answers member for a long time, but there are hardly any fish people there. This place is great! I want to get something to replace one of my fish. I already have 5 fish-only aquariums, so it would be awesome if you could recommend something that isn't...
  4. spazshark

    Lionfish killed my blue spotted Ray?

    I've always wanted a blue spotted ray. I'm interested in seeing the tank too!
  5. spazshark

    Pleco ID.... no pics..

    Another leopard. This one kind of looks like a sailfin or a common but it still has the leopard pattern
  6. spazshark

    Pleco ID.... no pics..

    It would be awesome if you got a cheetah pleco or a leopard pleco for that cheap! Baby leopard pleco Goby pleco that's the kind you have posted above Leopard again...
  7. spazshark

    Shell rot?

    Turtles shed/molt like frogs and reptiles. They even shed the top layer of their shell! To help the turtle feel more comfortable, especially as they molt, you can give them calcium chips. Sometimes it's in the shape of a turtle and it's white like a turtle-shaped piece of chalk.
  8. spazshark

    Red Clawed Crabs

    Here's the basic info: I have a 30 gal tank with a filter and a heater available. Right now I have a fancy goldfish and two o. nana crayfish with snipped claws in it. I caught the crayfish because when I'm gone for a long time my fish-sitter overfeeds really bad. There is still a lot of waste...
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