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    New betta tanks

    Yupe, and Gambit and storm shadow sure look happy and healthy in their new homes.
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    Autofeeder that feed on alternate days.

    Hi, anyone know whether there are any kind of autofeeder that can be used to feed my fish on alternate days instead of feeding them on a daily basis?
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    Do guppies make good tank mates for Bettas?

    I would not try to place him together with the guppies... They will be bullied by your new betta. I came across a website the other day that listed down some suitable tank mates for betta fish. I hope you will find the information there useful. Yes, you may put your female bettas together if you...
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    Where do you guys buy your plants? Best places online to buy live aquatic plants?

    I am fortunate in that I have a rather small tank, a 30 gallon so I do not have to buy new supplies or plants at the moment. Even when I do need to get somethings, I usually buy from my local pet store. As I am not from the US, I do not buy any stuff for my aquarium from online stores, it will...
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