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  1. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    How about 1 dwarf gourami instead of the 2 honeys or 3 sparklers, and then get some black neon tetras instead of the harlequins? All in all, I think it's pretty much the same though.
  2. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    I'll probably get harlequin rasboras in a school of 8 because I've gotten so many recommendations to get them from so many different people. Does that sound good? As for the ram, I still have plenty of time to decide whether I'll get them or not because I haven't even set up my tank yet, and...
  3. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    I actually really like that idea! And so does my little sis. :) You see, she's always been infatuated with gouramis ever since she noticed me researching them for my tank, and she was devastated when she found out we might not be getting them for my tank. I'm pretty sure now she'll be much...
  4. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    I just don't want my tank to become overstocked with fry. I'll have to contact my lfs and see if they'll take the fry, which they probably will. As for smaller fish, I really like rummy nose tetras, harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs, gold barbs, and celestial pearl danios. However, won't the...
  5. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    I will. I hear they like very established tanks. :) What tank region do they normally stay in? As in bottom middle or top. I'd prefer something in the middle so that it fills out the tank.
  6. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    After doing some research, I'll probably get a pair of blue rams. Is there any way I could get a pair without them breeding? I don't want any aggression in my community tank.
  7. M

    20g tank stocking help: community or cichlids?

    Hey all, new member and beginner fishkeeper here! :fish2: So I just purchased my very first tank and wanted some suggestions. I consider myself fairly new to fishkeeping, and the only real experience I have is caring for my sister's male betta and two comet Goldfish. However, I have been doing...
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