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  1. Kado

    yellow lab sick?

    hi I think my yellow lab might be sick. he has been very sluggish for a couple of days and I haven't seen him eat in 2to 3 days. he also looks like he has dark marks around his eyes and head and his belly looks very sunken. he is swimming close to the top of the tank but doesn't really seem in...
  2. Kado

    id and possible sex please

    got this fella yesterday from my lfs and was told its a red top zebra but after some more research I'm not so sure can anyone please shed some light for me? also I have 4 Lombardi. 2 yellow 1 blue and 1 almost brown they all have verticle bars although some are more predominant than others...
  3. Kado


    have Texas holey rock in my tank and even with weekly 25% water changes it is starting to get covered with algae. should I take the rocks out and clean them or should I just leave it? will my cichlids eat the algae I have all mbuna from lake Malawi and one gold spotted pleco. the rocks aren't...
  4. Kado

    gold spotted pleco

    well I got a gold spotted pleco about 5 cm. for my Malawi tank any thoughts?
  5. Kado

    maingano or johanni?

    can anyone please tell me if these are maingano or johanni ?
  6. Kado

    upgrade to bigger tank

    my lfs is selling this tank and I'm very keen to upgrade and was wondering if the filters lights and heaters that come with it would be sufficient for Malawi mbuna and possibly some haps or peacocks as well. cheers people :) I believe it comes with 2 of those canister filters.
  7. Kado

    catching fish

    would just like to know how everyone goes catching their fish eg. sick, injured or the bully to separate them from the others because I have a lot of hiding spots and it can be a nightmare. sometimes I think I've created more stress for them :(
  8. Kado

    new set up

    thinking of starting a new tank. if I get it it will be 3feet long 1foot deep and 1foot wide. about 180ltrs I think. a friend of mine is giving it away with 2 maingano and 1 bumblebee. all about 2 inches long at this stage. would these be fine in that size tank and would they work together or...
  9. Kado


    hey I'm about to upgrade from a 3ft to a 5 by 2ft tank. I know it's a massive upgrade but I think I'm ready and I know you guys have great advice to help me through :) the new tank will hold about 500L. and I am after some suggestions for a stocking list and decor. my old tank has crushed...
  10. Kado

    need help

    about 6 of my 10 fish all seem to be frantically rubbing their eyes and sides against any surface they can find. rocks driftwood sand and plants. they really don't look happy. my last 25% water change was 4 days ago. the temp is 28degrees c. and ammonia is 0. nitrites are 0 and my ph is 7.7 to...
  11. Kado

    moving house

    I'll be moving house soon only a couple of kilometres away and was was wondering what the best way to transport my fish is? I have 11 mbuna and peacocks. should I just bag them up individually and should I try to save some of my tank water to put back in my tank when I set it up again? also...
  12. Kado

    sore eye

    there is a film growing over one eye of my placidochromis Electra. what is it? he's been in the tank a couple of months and has never really been bullied. all the other fish seem fine and all the water parameters are normal. can anyone help?
  13. Kado

    Placidochromis electra

    Does anyone have any experience with placidochromis Electra ? I have 1 in with my tank. He has been in my tank for about 2weeks now but i dont think he has really established a territory yet I believe he is male and he is only about 2.5inches at the moment. He gets chanced a bit by my mbuna but...
  14. Kado


    Me two favourite boys on the right. Dominating my tank at the moment. Love em to bits
  15. Kado

    New upgrade

    In a couple of months I will be upgrading to a 410L long and was after some ideas on stocking. At the moment I have mostly mbuna and a couple of small haps. There is a bit of bullying but I haven't lost any fish for a long time. My question is. Do you think my 410L will be sufficient enough to...
  16. Kado

    Any ideas on ID please

  17. Kado

    Male & female?

    Can anyone shed some light and tell my if these are a pair of aulonocara nyassi? I believe the brighter coloured one is the male and the dull one is the female but I'm not real sure. I only have the two at the moment and I am concerned because the duller of the two gets harassed all the time by...
  18. Kado

    Kribs and mbuna

    What's everyone's opinion on housing kribs and mbuna together? I currently have 9 African cichlids including nyassie peacock yellow labs red zebra iceberg zebra and cat fish and have a close friend trying to convince me that kribs will be fine. Just after some advice as I've read a lot of...
  19. Kado

    More sand

    I'm going to add more sand to my mbuna tank and was wondering if I need to remove my fish before doing so and let the water settle? Also can I add the sand while the tank is full of water if I do remove the fish? Cheers :)
  20. Kado

    New lid

    I am making a new pine lid for my tank and will be varnishing it inside and out and was wondering if any condensed water evaporated from the tank that gathers on the inside of the lid and drips back into the water will cause any harm to the fish? Obviously the lid will be completely dry but I'm...
  21. Kado


    Just wondering how often everyone out there make changes to the aqua scaping in their tanks. And how big the changes are and what affects it may have on the cichlids? I'm new to this and have a variety of mbunas, peacocks and yellow labs all under 4 inches in my 4foot tank. I've had them in...
  22. Kado

    New rocks and shells

    Was wondering if rocks, shells and driftwood collected from the beach is ok for my mbuna tank. I've read about boiling it all first and was just after some opinions and advice. Cheers
  23. Kado

    New fish

    Can anyone please help with scientific names for these fish please? I was told at my lfs Orange zebra Iceberg zebra Nyassi peacock I've looked on African cichlid profiles under Lake malawi mbuna and can't find them anywhere. Would like to find out so I can house them properly. Thanks
  24. Kado

    EBA cichlid?

    Any ideas about what sort of cichlid this is? I was told by my lfs that it was an electric blue ahli but he changes colour from almost black with a bright white stripe from his nose to his tail. To a dull blue with no stripe. He stays that blue colour most of the time but occasionally will go...
  25. Kado

    Lights out

    Just wanted to say I love the way my fish change their behaviour at night when the lights go out :)
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