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  1. Blue peacock

    Setting up my first community tank...

    The angels will eat the tetras and the shrimp an if you have 3 angels an you get a pair they will kill the 3 one
  2. Blue peacock


    Nah haven't got any algae problems I have cat fish for that 2 whip tail 2 pictus an a bristlenose
  3. Blue peacock


    Sweet thanks wasn't sure if I was giving them too much
  4. Blue peacock


    How much light should I give my peacocks each day
  5. image 2369020440

    image 2369020440

  6. image 1592523212

    image 1592523212

  7. image 2069132560

    image 2069132560

  8. image 1318377871

    image 1318377871

  9. image 2362537983

    image 2362537983

  10. image 3537933397

    image 3537933397

  11. image 4119260729

    image 4119260729

  12. image 3820463006

    image 3820463006

  13. image 1390595606

    image 1390595606

  14. My angels

    My angels

  15. image 2113452084

    image 2113452084

  16. image 2254631682

    image 2254631682

  17. image 1036787090

    image 1036787090

  18. image 3597792877

    image 3597792877

  19. image 3154209740

    image 3154209740

  20. image 705637557

    image 705637557

  21. My peacocks

    My peacocks

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