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  1. K

    Suitable fish for 23l fluval edge?

    Thanks all for your advice although I'm still unsure what to get as everyone had different opinions? It's confusing! I'm going to read up some more and talk to my lfs too. I have a filter but would an air stone help with oxygen too? Lots of forums say they have used on and their betta fish are...
  2. K

    Suitable fish for 23l fluval edge?

    :fish2:I've only got plastic plants and some rocks and stones plenty of places to hide out. Do they have to be real plants? What about neon tetra or rummeynose?
  3. K

    Suitable fish for 23l fluval edge?

    Thanks for your post! I will look into nano fish. I don't fancy all all shrimp tank but a mix would be good. I'm completely new to this so thanks for your suggestions :fish2:
  4. K

    Suitable fish for 23l fluval edge?

    I've just bought a 23litre/6gallon fluval edge tank and it's going through fish less cycle. I've been told 2 weeks but I have read it takes longer? I wanted a betta fish but it seems this tank is not good for that fish! I fancy some neons can anyone advice what ICan have with them? I wanted...
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