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  1. erikmoseley

    An amazingly good week!

    Hey. Been out of touch a bit but ready to get back at it! So here's what's happened in the last week! 1. Got unexpected raise and promotion 2. Got brand new 2014 jeep 3. Still have hongi fry in main tank living after a few weeks 4. Wife and I are expecting! No not that type but we do have...
  2. erikmoseley

    First mbuna fry!

    So I had two hongi holding in main 90 gallon and apparently one spit cuz I see about 5 fry in the rocks. I dumped in some pebbles to create a little pile to hopefully make spaces to hide the adults can't get to! I've had a handful of fish hold in past but never saw fry! I'm worried now that my...
  3. erikmoseley

    Please give opinion video of lighting

    Hey everybody I'm looking for some votes from you all as to what you think looks better I'm about to post two links to two videos I just made testing out some new lights. The first video is with Finnex monster ray Color enhancing LED light it contains RGB LEDs to make colors pop along with Two...
  4. erikmoseley

    36 bow front tanganyika setup?

    Hi all! I'm toying w the idea of switching my other tank to a tanganyikan setup. My lfs has anything I could want in terms of Africans and am curious what I could do for a tanganyika biotope? Any suggestions? Here it is now just a boring community tank that had rams that didn't work out. I'd...
  5. erikmoseley

    Did I finally learn how to post video?

    You'll have to excuse an old farts ignorance but I think I finally figured how to post video. Testing1,2..... First video - YouTube
  6. erikmoseley

    For Sale: 48 inch aquatic life led light

    Week old aquatic life 1w reef capable led light for sale. Pd 370 a week ago plus tax at Lovely Pets in Quincy MA and can't exchange. Has 1 yr warranty and box and receipt. Not quite the look I intended for my 90 Gallon freshwater tank. Too bright w a blue purple mixed in. Details of light below...
  7. erikmoseley

    Too much circulation?

    I have a 90 gal heavy stocked w mbuna and couple peacocks. Most are 2.5 inch and I have Rena xpl and xpxl canisters for filters and have 2 wavemakers/ circulation pumps - one at front of one end and another at back of other end pointed downward to keep poop from settling in sand and between...
  8. erikmoseley

    Dumb picture question

    So I have LEDs w sligh blue and slight purple tint in person but when I take pics on phone or w camera an no flash the pics look insane blue! Any tips? If I use dig camera w flash on it comes out better but there's a big flask off of glass!
  9. erikmoseley

    3d background

    Hi all. I'm thinking of trying a background like the link here. My question is would it be easy (and should i ) to put heaters and filter intakes behind it? I just don't see them performing as they're intended behind it but if not what do I do? I probably never will as I don't wanna drain my...
  10. erikmoseley

    Labidochromis chisumulae

    I have 4 of these for about 8 month and all 4 are still pearly white and not turned blue. A couple get very dark barring when fighting but no blue. And they're about 2.5 inch. Does that mean I somehow got 4 ladies? At lfs I saw one much smaller coloring up?! Wanna know if I should go get him!
  11. erikmoseley

    Can a 2 in Hongi be holding eggs

    It appears mine is and I don't really have a fully colored up male any bigger?!
  12. erikmoseley

    New 90 gal mbuna

    Finally set up my 90 that was in garage and stocked today. It has Rena filstar xpl and xpxl canisters. Stocked to max amount with all under 2 inch fish except for 3 peacocks I moved in and a acei and larger lab. Added 5 pseudo saulosi, 5 pseudo Polit, and 5 labido hongi. Also has 4 labido...
  13. erikmoseley

    Blue ram sick

    Just noticed there's a sick fish forum! Im thinking I have some sort of parAsite. Bought some tetras from and didn't have a qt tank so acclimated them right in to my tank. Lost 5 of 6 of then in 48 hrs. Other one is alive a weekl later. Did water change Sunday. 2 days after getting them...
  14. erikmoseley

    Sick ram?

    I'm thinking I have some sort of parAsite. Bought some tetras from and didn't have a qt tank so acclimated them right in to my tank. Lost 5 of 6 of then in 48 hrs. Other one is alive a weekl later. Did water change Sunday. 2 days after getting them. Water is 79 deg. Ph is higher than rams...
  15. erikmoseley

    Ram sex?

    Hello. I have a pair or rams and I don't know if I have male and female. I tried googling but for more confused! Pics are attached. The first few of are more colorful one w pink belly(female?) and the other less colorful I'm not sure. The one w ponk belly seems more Dom but not bad toward other...
  16. erikmoseley

    My fave fish died

    Hi all. My last female saulosi died unexpectedly an she was holding. This was her second time. Never saw fry from first time. So she was awesome as she never took crap from anyone when not holding and when she was holding became super defensive. I have a highly stocked tank w 20 fish an she was...
  17. erikmoseley

    Lwanda peacock or hybrid?

    Hi all tho guy was from assorted male tank. Pics are from phone and do not do him justice. I can't seem to find exact idea which makes me think mixed. The top edge of fin is dark orange and the color behind hills and on head an anal fin is more yellowish orange.
  18. erikmoseley

    Whats this on my fish

    Hello. My hara white top female has some thing that looks like a thin clear string hanging with 3 bubbles or egg looking things on it. Never saw before any idea what could be? Looks like it may be coming from bum but can't tell
  19. erikmoseley

    Apisto sp Orange

    Hi all. I picked up a pair of these yesterday just over an inch and like a dummy when I released them into my pitch black tank didn't look in my net till hours later and one was still in it dead. So stupid of me. Any how I'm gonna go back for another but I have no idea if I have a male or...
  20. erikmoseley

    Getting error message

    Hey anyone know why I'm getting an EXCEEDS YOUR QUOTA message when I try and post a pic?
  21. erikmoseley

    Tank swap question

    I'm switching my 72 into my new 90 gallon. Same rocks and canister filters. Question is should I try and swap the sand over too or just get new stuff?
  22. erikmoseley

    Scratches in tank

    I cleaned up a 90 gallon I bought off CL today and put 2 coats of black acrylic paint on back and noticed there's a lot of small scratches. When I hosed it down and stuff they were t really noticeable till it dried. When its full will they really not be noticeable unless they're major??
  23. erikmoseley

    New tank rocks and egg crate question

    Hey everybody I just scored 200 pounds of Riverock for $55 My plan is within the next week or so is to tear down my 70 gallon and swap/ set up my 90 gallon with these rocks and some from the collection I already have. I have a bunch of rock in mice 70 gallon right now but I did not use...
  24. erikmoseley

    Sponge filter

    Hi all I have a sponge filter runnimg off air pump. that I have running for 6 months or so that I used for my initial tank cycle and never took out. Bubble seem to be slowing down coming from the airlift tube. Should I rinse the sponge off or should i just replace the air line tubing?
  25. erikmoseley

    Fry question

    I have female afra due to spit and left her in main tank. My plan is to try and catch fry when she spits. Question is would the fry be ok if I move them to community tank w tetras and Cory's??? Spent an hr trying to catch mom to move her and can't. I'm not moving all 200 lbs of rocks!
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