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  1. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    Thanks for the advice! The site I just looked at said it's best to have 6 Chili Rasboras, that would be too many though, right? How many would be ideal? could I put a freshwater snail in there, and or a clam?
  2. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean Petra or Tetra. I meant Platy. I got a Red Wag Platy, and a Dalmatian Molly. So, is the Platy at least a little more suitable than the Molly? What happens if I try to keep them...I mean, I guess they die, but how long? Surely they'll have the same fate if I take them...
  3. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    Thanks for all the advice. I think a betta, some shrimp and a live plant might be the way to go. I went back to get some fish today, didn't get much good advice, and prob made a bad decision. I got a Molly and a Petra. They said they were hardy, and good starter fish. Don't feed for 48 hours...
  4. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    Good point. I went to get some fish and that is what they told me as well. So now the heater is in there keeping the water at a constant 78 degrees. They also told me once that is ready I will need some hardy starter fish, like danios, to cycle the tank, and can maybe add something else after a...
  5. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    I don't have a heater, but I was wondering if I needed one. Thanks so much!
  6. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    I used Nutrafin Aqua Plus Tap Water Conditioner, and Nutrifin Cycle Biological Aquarium supplement. That's what came with my new tank. Is the bio supplement with no fish causing the clouding?
  7. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up cycle the tank, does that mean I should add gravel, 1 Betta, a plant (live?) and change 15% of the water daily for 6 weeks? Then I can add just a minimal amount of new occupants? Can 1 Betta and some shrimp live together? Also, yes, you are recommending a live plant? Did my pics come...
  8. randomjc

    Newbie 5 gallon (yeah, I know) set up

    I'm just starting, and my research tells me I'm already in trouble. Apparently no fish should live in a 5 gallon tank. Maybe a beta and a snail. But that's what I have to start with. I bought a Fluval Chi at Petco. It has a filter and an led light. The top is open, which concerns me a bit. I...
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