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  1. T

    Angelfish Breeding Pair won't eat anything but Frozen Food

    Thanks everybody for your help. I increased the temp to 88 degrees, and treated the tank with metranidzole, (250 mg per 10 gallons as dr_girlfriend had suggested). I also did water changes everyday. The angelfish seem to be recovered for the most part. They are eating frozen brineshrimp and...
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    Angelfish Breeding Pair won't eat anything but Frozen Food

    1~My Koi Angelfish breeding pair has been doing great, 3 spawns thus far, although recently it seems something has stressed them out. They developed torn fins (but I have fixed that with Melafix and the removal of some plants I believe). However, I just recently bought this pair and I have...
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    White/clear small blob growth on glass and accessories

    Thanks tankgirl. Luckily I was able to talk to some of the folks in the USDA research facility here and they supplied me with a chemical called "Formalite II" by aquatronics which they said should do the trick. For anybody else interested, they also told me that these were harmless to my fish...
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    White/clear small blob growth on glass and accessories

    Hey all, this is my first post, and unfortunately its a very distressing one. I recently set up a 20 gallon high tank, about 2 weeks ago, and now there are small blobs growing all over the aquarium. They are clear to white, and about the size of a sowing pin head. They are on every piece of...
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