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  1. TwiinKey

    Just For Fun: The Dumbest Mistake You Ever Made With A Tank

    I had 3 goldfish in a bowl that could not have been more than a gallon, an I only changed the water when I couldn't stand the smell anymore. They survived about a month.
  2. TwiinKey

    New scape and java fern mother plant

    Looks really good! I love your background by the way. :)
  3. TwiinKey

    Guppies dying

    Did they seem disoriented before they died? Like not swimming correctly (sideways or upside down) or not swimming at all?
  4. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    What bottom feeders did you have?
  5. TwiinKey

    Monster Goldfish at LFS

    You seem to be pretty excite about it, so I say you buy him/her as long as you have enough room for it :)
  6. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    I'm debating on whether or not to get some java moss to put on my driftwood. What do you guys think? Do you think that would look good, or should I just leave the driftwood bare? I can't decide so please say your opinions haha
  7. TwiinKey

    Hello everyone!

    Hi Shannon! Well as far as fish compatibility, your best bet would be a tropical, low-agrression community aquarium. As far as what fish exactly, it depends on your preferences. Most beginners (in my opinion) usually get some form of tertra, mollies, and platies, and are relatively easy to keep.
  8. TwiinKey

    Drift wood

    Ok if the piece fits in a pot, then boil water with the driftwood in it to kill any parasites that could be on the wood. If its bigger, you can put it in your bathtub and just use the hottest water possible. But since the driftwood leeches tannins (basically makes your water color brown, like a...
  9. TwiinKey

    Drift wood

    Do you need tips as far as picking your driftwood, or tips on how to actually get the driftwood ready to be put in the tank?
  10. TwiinKey

    Guppies dying

    What's your water temperature?
  11. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    It's all about preference, and the wood. It could take months, it could take a week. Some people just boil it once and throw it in the tank, and then just do water changes more often and eventually the tea color goes away. As far as getting it to sink, the easiest way is to just screw it to...
  12. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    Now that I look at it more, I think it might be Malaysian driftwood actually.
  13. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    Ok I just went to my LFS to get some fish food then leave, but they had driftwood (they usually don't) in for only $10. So I finally got a piece. It's not manzanita like I have been looking for, but it is still nice. I think it's mopani or something, I don't remember. I'm soaking it in hot water...
  14. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    Marshall's* I mean. Not Micheal's
  15. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    That looks really nice! I've never really thought of micheals before. I'll try to look there this weekend. Hopefully i get as lucky as you with price haha. Thanks
  16. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    So I might not be getting that piece now :/ my mom was going to buy it for me but now she said she won't because the guy is asking for $15 just for shipping. So I'm looking for a nice piece that's not as expensive now.
  17. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    Yeah I'm going to repeatedly boil, soak, and hope for the best. People say that driftwood isnt worth the trouble of all the prep work to get it tank ready but I think it's worth it of you get the right piece. On my opinion, driftwood makes tanks look so much better! :)
  18. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    Yeah it does look good the way it is in the picture, so I probably will put it on the left like you said. Any other suggestions from other people though?
  19. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    I finally got my driftwood! Well, ordered it. And it wasn't bidding so I will have it for sure haha. Let me know what you guys think.
  20. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

  21. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    Well I was biding on it on eBay. But I just lost it. I was the highest bidder for a few days an put a max bid and someone bid while I was sleeping and won it, the auction ended at 7:30 am for me. Guess it's back to looking :/
  22. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    It's a 29 gallon. And the driftwood is this. Hopefully the pic uploads
  23. TwiinKey

    Tanks With Driftwood

    I ordered driftwood and I'm not sure how I would like to arrange the tank to look. So if you have a tank with driftwood in it, feel free to share some pictures! I need some inspiration please! :)
  24. TwiinKey

    Moss Help

    Ok thank you for the help. I'll look into new lighting but for now I'll just stick to moss
  25. TwiinKey

    Moss Help

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