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  1. J

    Help? Holy Nose Pleco & Swollen Synodontis

    The tests we're using aren't the strips, it's the one where you have to add liquid and powder (I think the powder's zinc). We don't use the 'strips' test, someone said they're not as accurate (a local pet store). We've always used the ones with the liquid reagent. Hubby's off to do another...
  2. J

    Help? Holy Nose Pleco & Swollen Synodontis

    Tanganyika Cichlids ~ our one pet store told us to keep their salt up ~ hopefully they've not steered us too far out into left field :) we're going to do a 1/2 water change and not add any salt and see how it goes. Do some different cichlids need more/less salt? I've read enough online that...
  3. J

    Help? Holy Nose Pleco & Swollen Synodontis

    The tanks have been up and running for 3+ years possibly 4. Our local pet store told us that chichlids 'prefer' salt @ 8-10. If that's true, then I believe we should relocate the pleco to our community tank that's a 10 gal? Correct? Thanks so much for your reply. I'm sorry for posting this...
  4. J

    Help? Holy Nose Pleco & Swollen Synodontis

    Help Please? We've got 2 cichlid tanks ~ one 75 gal and one 20 gal. Our pleco (a 7 inch one we've had for over 3 years) is in the 75 gallon tank ~ his nose holes have erroded out several times. Each time we separate him into a hospital talk and medicate him with either E.M. tablets, Mela Fix...
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