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  1. haleybeth30

    male or female dempsy?

    If you're preparing a tank, why not place angels, beta, tetra, cories into it once cycled.. just a suggestion. You could make that tank more wet up for them and your cories. (those guys need special requirements too and may be the first to go when FH or JD get testy or hungry)
  2. haleybeth30


    oops wrong pic, that's JD
  3. haleybeth30


    sold as chrysonatus, has been brown last 4 mo.s or so. I added a couple new fish and now this shiny midnight blue
  4. haleybeth30

    Sex my JD please

    He's around 2.5-3 in. now. Thought was male, but starting to get some coloration on jaw
  5. haleybeth30

    Pics of your fish

  6. haleybeth30

    Pics of your fish

    here's one of my jd and jewel
  7. haleybeth30

    Pics of your fish

    nice tank
  8. haleybeth30

    please ID

    thanks y'all
  9. haleybeth30

    please ID

    sorry closest pic I could get
  10. haleybeth30

    please ID

    aulanocara maylandia?
  11. haleybeth30

    Mysis shrimp frozen food

    I meant xtra protein..
  12. haleybeth30

    Mysis shrimp frozen food

    the pellet is considered high protein, right? 50 something percent, so with a pellet they're getting the protein along with other nutritional requirements..
  13. haleybeth30

    Mysis shrimp frozen food

    I appreciate the advice, thanks. Ich is a parasite, so I assume it could come from bloodworms, but not sure
  14. haleybeth30

    Mysis shrimp frozen food

    I got frozen mysys shrimp cubes for my SA/CA cichlids. I've never fed protein to my peacocks and yellow lab. Could I also give them some? If so, how often? If it's ok should I not feed the next day? Thanks!
  15. haleybeth30

    Jack demosey

    Yes, I have a JD, Oscar, 4 sevs, a FM, convict pair, jewel, (all juvies except one sev) and 7 peacocks/ haps. For them I have a 125g, a 75g, a 55g, and 30g. Fiance' and I working on a 220g build.. Any other ?s.. It's a matter of providing the best care possible for your pets, the difference...
  16. haleybeth30

    male or female dempsy?

    I've never kept any of the fish above, except for cichlids, just know what I've read.. parameter and aggression was it's not supposed to work, but could.. to each their own.. it's just not a risk I'd be willing to take
  17. haleybeth30

    Jack demosey

    I'm with fishboy on this one
  18. haleybeth30

    male or female dempsy?

    what's tank size? rivers2k right, the jack m or f will eventually be a problem with the angels I'm afraid
  19. haleybeth30

    male or female dempsy?

    It's really hard to tell, pics are kind of dark. As mentioned females have blotches of blue on gill plates and lower face, with males it's speckles/dots and they have more all over. Another way to tell is dorsal fin longer, pointier but that way not as reliable
  20. haleybeth30

    Demasoni colored up!

    very pretty
  21. haleybeth30

    Pissed at my cichlids

    looks good, love the flamebacks
  22. haleybeth30

    Jack dempsey

    yes you did, that looks great!
  23. haleybeth30

    Please ID my new big guy =)

    I don't think that ID is right either... =( That fish is all orange on the body and mine is orange up top only. He's got sea green coloring starting on jaw line, looks like bottom part of head will be green and top blue. The coloring on dorsal tipped in yellowish, then white, then black...
  24. haleybeth30

    Please ID my new big guy =)

    I finally got it! He's not a vc 10. He's a Placidochromis Mbamba or Electra "Superior" ..was driving me nuts =)
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