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  1. L

    I have a molly problem

    the male pretty much claimed that female for his own. it happens sometimes with other livebearers as well.
  2. L

    BN Male Pleco ignoring eggs?

    so i have started to breed L144 blue eyed bn plecos. my male has already mated with a female and is guarding eggs. but what i never put in thought is how am i gonna do a water change? feed them? i am afraid if i clean the bottom or the pongee filter the male might get angry or scared and eat the...
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    Rust or Algae?!?!?!

    its hard for me to post a pic due to technology :P but i will try my best
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    Rust or Algae?!?!?!

    i have started noticing some sort of rusty looking algae on my glass very close and under the gravel and is now growing in patches on my substrate. i have ada aqua soil and i feel like it is possibly having a reaction to something?? don't know. this tank is not newly setup. it has been running...
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    ever heard of exodons

    i love those fish! i believe they are also called bucktooth tetras? not sure but i just got a school of them last week! they do well with very large fish
  6. L

    Angel fish compatible in community?

    trust me they won't bother them at all..... i like it when you do something that the "experts" say it is not not going to end well but at the end they are all fine together.
  7. L

    guppy fin rot

    nope they always hire un experienced workers. so I'm do one that does most of the work cleaning feeding and naming the fish. but for some reason i was never that good at medicating fish, i can't tell if the ones I'm getting are good or I'm the one to blame (I'm pretty sure I'm the one to blame :()
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    guppy fin rot

    ich was not that serious. only a few fish had it and it was like 2 or 3 spots and now it is gone. it just sucks that every time i show up in the tank there is always another guppy or 2 that has just recently been beat up and later after that starts to become a big sore with fungus or for the...
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    guppy fin rot

    nitrates nitrites ammonia 0 temp is 81 ph 7.2
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    guppy fin rot

    do you guys have any suggestions of meds that are sold in pet stores that really help with fungus? i just came from school today and one of the males has some sort of crown fungus goring in the gill section and around and looks like it has been picked on
  11. L

    guppy fin rot

    the water quality is perfect.... something is just picking on them or each other because i know one of my males tend to be very aggressive for some reason. then they get sores and fungus takes over or fin rot. and forgot to add that a few of the sick fish are brand new (2 weeks).
  12. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    please do not get any of those fish rope fish will eat the smaller fish and the blue crayfish will also do the same
  13. L

    Angel fish compatible in community?

    yea the angel and the rest will do great together!
  14. L

    Angel fish compatible in community?

    i would say yes. but I'm guessing other members will say that the angel will go after the smaller fish..... in experience, i keep guppies and chili rasboras with an angel as a centerpiece in a 40 breeder
  15. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    nothing to serious for a moss ball.... and the other fish i really doubt they would breed in your tank these fish would need their own separate tanks for seriousness about breeding these fish.... you would have to test water, provide plants (live), and clean the water etc
  16. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    No no no no! i did not mean to say that they pick on anyone :) but if you introduce a big angel to a tank full of small fish they would probably think of them as food. my angel is the center piece of my guppy tank and doesn't go after fry or small rasboras because they grew up together....
  17. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    +1 definitely but you would have to get a group of at least 5 they are schooling fish and tend to stay social.
  18. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    fish that grow out together tend to be a better option so start them small so that they DONT mess with any other small fish. i have a zebra lace angelfish with guppies and chili rasboras in my 40 breeder luckily he started small and eventually became good tank mates
  19. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    which fry? didnt you say you only have 1 guppy? or are you planning to get more? I'm pretty sure any fry will eaten fast by other fish, so you would have to separate the female or catch the fry at the right time. the gravel in pet stores are usually a bit in the rounder side, but to be safe get...
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    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    i guess it would be nice to have 3 angels since they would probably start off small if I'm right
  21. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    the angelfish are probably not in good condition then.... i usually ask my local pet store when are there import days so i can get the fish fresh out of the bag because the closest pet store does get good fish but end up dying because the care for them is poor. so if you want you can do the...
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    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    i would go with fake plants just so you don't have to struggle with dying plants or needing of better lights, but if you do prefer live plants get amazon swords and java ferns, or anubias. i guess if you stick with fake plants then go with gravel (i would honestly go with fake for now)
  23. L

    guppy fin rot

    i treat ich with api super ich cure. this has been magnificent for years ever since i started using it! i have a question. for the fungus i used api fungus cure, i decided to give that a try, do you have experience or do you know if this is useful for fungus?
  24. L

    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    well you do have a bunch of different suggestions here. angelfish will be good to have in a 50, i would do it, but i would be scared that they would pick on smaller fish..... if you want start of with them as small ones so they can grow up with and get used to the surroundings and tank mates. i...
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    stock 50 or 55 gallon tank

    if you can get your hands on pentazona barbs that would be awesome! they are the most calm barbs and don't nip other fish like tiger barbs! but they get around 3 inches i believe.
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