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  1. LewisFreer

    New RCS tank

    Thanks, I have the Hikari tropical shrimp food/cuisine and they like it quite a lot but its not they only thing I feed them, they have small algae pellets and a few peas from time to time. Thanks again :)
  2. LewisFreer

    New RCS tank

    Thanks, I might ask my local petstore to contact the supplier and see if they say anything about it. I think the main thing in think is the copper amount in the supplement and also the dosage amount. I have to be careful with my brislenose catfish food that I feed them, from time to time it has...
  3. LewisFreer

    New RCS tank

    Hello, I'm new has anyone tried liquid CO2 booster, I just don't want to buy it and it upset my shrimp. I have heard of the CO2 canisters causing problems so i wanted to try the liquid stuff. Thanks.I have a 38ltr tanks with 50 Cherry Red Shrimp and 4 Crystal shrimp (red and white stripes)...
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