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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. G

    Dragon gropy

    that is possibly tail rot or fin rot what ever you want to call it... do a water change and use melafix if it's isn't bad already he/she should survive it.
  2. Squirt and Little one
And Speedy in the breeder net behind them.

    Squirt and Little one And Speedy in the breeder net behind them.

  3. Tangerine


  4. Spot


  5. Opal


  6. Louie


  7. Speck


  8. Harvey


  9. George


  10. Fred


  11. Blind Steve

    Blind Steve

  12. Angel


  13. Al


  14. G

    Dragon gropy

    is this white stuff cottony looking or spots?
  15. G

    Hello, I'm new too!

    Hi sue I love the tank very pretty fish!!
  16. my 3 glo tetra when I had the 3 gal glo tank

    my 3 glo tetra when I had the 3 gal glo tank

  17. the 3 gal before I upgraded to the 15 gal for my fish

    the 3 gal before I upgraded to the 15 gal for my fish

  18. more new glo danio's

    more new glo danio's

  19. new glo danio's

    new glo danio's

  20. my daughters tank with 4 male guppies

    my daughters tank with 4 male guppies

  21. trying to breed my glo danio's

    trying to breed my glo danio's

  22. speedy and her egg belly

    speedy and her egg belly

  23. new baby koi angels

    new baby koi angels

  24. the dwarf puffers we only have 2 now

    the dwarf puffers we only have 2 now

  25. in the day light

    in the day light

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