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  1. L

    Angel fish behaviour

    Yes I hope she is one the mend. I'll keep you posted. Thanks!
  2. L

    Angel fish behaviour

    The most recent thing I did in the tank was replace the air tubes that connect to the top of the power head. There are two power heads. Last week, one of them stopped working. The airway had become blocked -- it was white in color - calcium deposits maybe? Anyway it stopped adding air into...
  3. L

    Angel fish behaviour

    I used to have an airstone. Why would you recommend one?
  4. L

    Angel fish behaviour

    I changed the water on Jan. 14. I tested it today (see first post) and forgot to mention there was no ammonia. Maybe there is something lacking in my cleaning technique-- however when one fish is in distress and the rest seem OK I am reluctant to embark on any major endeavors in the tank...
  5. L

    Angel fish behaviour

    Thanks for asking! I forgot to mention, the social scene consists of her breeding partner staying close by and chasing away the third angel when he (?) gets close. No other problems from any other tankmates that I can see. Her colors were pale last week, getting more vibrant. Her breathing...
  6. L

    Angel fish behaviour

    I haven't checked in recently so I apologize if this topic has been discussed already. My tank is 120 gallons. Undergravel filter with 2 power heads. Set up for 1.5 years. Community: 3 angels. two are a breeding pair 3 gouramis 7 various tetras 2 platties 3 cory cats 1 sailfin pleco The...
  7. L

    Hi I'm new

    I'll work on sending some photos. We've had a tank for five years. We graduated from a 30 gal. to 125 gal last summer. (it was free, we HAD to take it!). About half of the starters are still around and nothing was lost when we moved the originals over from the smaller tank. We have three...
  8. L

    Hi I'm new

    the fat platties were always bigger compared to the skinny ones. I keep the tank temp. around 78 degrees. In the record-breaking heat yesterday, the tank temperature was 84 in the morning. I did a water change and then periodically added back small amounts of cool water. I was able to keep...
  9. L

    Hi I'm new

    to not only this forum but ANY internet forum. So, apologies if this topic has been recently covered. My question is, of my four platties, two are skinny and two are fat. The fattest one just took his last breath (sigh). My water quality has always (one year) been great. The only thing...
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