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    Fat Cory

    Hi basically I have a shoal of 4 Venezuela Cory cats and one of them who I'm guessing is female is very large under her belly. She has been this way for the last week and have yet to see her release any eggs, does anyone know if its normal for corys to hold onto the eggs for a while? I done a...
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    55 Litre Nano

    My planted tank, not finished with the layout yet. I have an extra sponge filter in that provides oxygen to tank but also blocks the strong current from built in filter as I have honey gourami fry in the tank which are awesome but the current would fling them all over! The filter provides oxygen...
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    Red Cherry Shrimp

    Absolutely love these little guys but for whatever reason I can't get them to breed. Is the shrimp on the left a weird colour or pretty normal? Also is she carrying eggs at all? This next picture is my phone background I love it that much. Any advice would be great!
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    New 55 litre tank

    Just starting a new tank and this is how it looks so far: It's only the one bit of DW and one plant split into a few separate areas. Also two moss balls as I am planning on getting RCS so would like to see them on these. I will be purchasing more plants at some point, not sure what yet. I...
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    Honey Gourami

    Anyone got any experience breeding these beautiful fish? Was in my LFS last weekend not looking for anymore fish but seen the male who was a gorgeous red colour with jet black bottom fin right up his face and striking bright yellow top fin so I was fascinated and the owner said he would love to...
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    Hi was wandering if anyone could link me to either a good DIY CO2 guide or a cheap CO2 system? Any help would be appreciate. Cheers.
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    Chemicals with Shrimp

    Hi I am looking for a Velvet treatment that is safe to use with shrimp, does one exist? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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    Hi, Having an outbreak of Velvet at the moment, affecting the majority of my fish as far as I can see. Today I have performed a 30% water change and removed carbon from my filter. Put in Melafix to try ease the suffering and have since added king British Bacteria Control but I don't think...
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    Guppy problem

    Hi, I have a guppy aggression problem in my tank, 6 male guppies 2 of each 'type' but they constantly go after each others tails to the point that 1 of them almost doesn't have a tail left. The biggest one was the main culprit and has a perfect tail but I added 2 more guppies a week ago...
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