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  1. keleidoscope08

    Favorite aquarium fish

    Bettas and dwarf gouramis :)
  2. keleidoscope08

    Is my silver lyretail molly okay?

    Final update: I'm not sure what happened but she is nowhere to be found in the tank now... The only thing that must have happened is the three males must have ate her after she passed :( I feel so bad I couldn't save her. I tried... Won't be adding any new fish for,a long time. Just keep the...
  3. keleidoscope08

    Is my silver lyretail molly okay?

    Actually I have now decided to do it the more organic way; salt, water changes, and increase temperature. No meds, by the sounds of it people have had more trouble with meds than without. Hoping for the best!
  4. keleidoscope08

    Is my silver lyretail molly okay?

    So now I'm quite sure she has ich :( she has spots on her tail and didn't eat for the first time today, very sad :( I did a 25% water change and I'm getting medicine for the water tomorrow, I really hope she hangs in there!! The others are still fine but ill treat the whole tank regardless...
  5. keleidoscope08

    Is my silver lyretail molly okay?

    I was wondering if she was maybe pregnant from when i had the male Dalmatian Molly in the tank (seemly profile details) but there's no bulge or anything... *sigh* hope this is temporary and she gets better soon!!
  6. keleidoscope08

    Is my silver lyretail molly okay?

    Hi there. This is my first post... My Molly has been acting strange on and off the past few days. She is mostly sitting at the bottom of the tank, upright (not on her side), breathing fine so it seems. When I turn the light on she usually perks up and starts to swim around, she eats plenty of...
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