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  1. P

    mystery snails ok in cold water tanks?

    Yes 20 degrees celsius sorry. Should I take it out of the tropical tank and let its water cool down gradually before adding to cold water tank? I thought maybe taking from one and putting straight into the other might not be good for it
  2. P

    mystery snails ok in cold water tanks?

    I brought 3 very small mystery snails for my tropical tank several months ago. They grew a lot faster then I expected and are now about golf ball size and are now too large to all stay in there. Is it ok to transfer one to my cold water goldfish tank that sits at around 20 degrees or am I better...
  3. P

    platy/molly crossbreeds?

    Could you please check out these 2 fish and let me know what they are. I appreciate all the help. I thought the were both female as they both go from normal to extremely fat then back to normal repeatedly. I currently have a few fry the darker colour but that doesn't really tell who which is the...
  4. P

    platy/molly crossbreeds?

    Oh ok. Ill have to post pictures of my other 2 fish then because I thought they were platies and they've also had fry so I'm a little confused. I'm a total newbie when it comes to fish.
  5. P

    platy/molly crossbreeds?

    If they definitely are platy/Molly this must be what's happening. Thank you
  6. P

    platy/molly crossbreeds?

    I never realised how hard it is to take pics of fish before. The one of my black male I had to zoom right in so he looks fairly large but you can see in the other he's actually smaller them my female
  7. P

    platy/molly crossbreeds?

    Hi, I'm new to the site so I apologise if this is posted on the wrong place or a repeated question I have a female silver Molly, 2 female platys and a male platy. My silver Molly had fry but the pet shop owner told me its not unusual for a fish to be pregnant when you buy them. She's now about...
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