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  1. Nelo

    Just lovely. Overstocked 75 Gallon… Help please?

    I acquired a 75 gallon with the following fish: 8 Black Skirted Tetra 1 Yellow Lab 1 Common Pleco I have always wanted rope fish and also have been interested in bichirs, so I went to an upscale LFS nearby to pick up either 2 ropes or 1 rope and 1 bichir (was wanting senegal). The guy who was...
  2. Nelo

    Advice on Aquascaping 75 Gallon- suitable plants?

    I have a 75 gallon that I acquired from someone (already cycled with preexisting fish) that's all set up and ready for an aquascape. I'm not currently at home and will have to take a look at the wattage, but it seems to be a pretty strong fluorescent bulb. The substrate is sand and smooth...
  3. Nelo

    Friend's cruel 1 gallon tank

    I visited my friend's apartment for the first time since she and her boyfriend had set up a gallon tank. They've had it for a few months. The current inhabitants are two blue gouramis about 2.5-3" long. I was so horrified I didn't know what to say or how to react, so unfortunately I just...
  4. Nelo

    Thoughts on my 10 gallon

    Now that my 10 gallon is established I added some fish. Before my tank was fully cycled (before nitrates were showing up in my tests) I had added a betta and 3 Julii cories. I left for a weekend and came back to find a dead cory, weak betta, and ammonia readings of <.25 ppm (yellowish green test...
  5. Nelo

    Want to buy this betta but..

    I wish I could spend money to order a nice betta online but I really am trying to save money in any way I can (even though I'm still spending lol). I saw a beautiful white betta at petco. His behavior was the best out of their selection of bettas and just glancing at him he looked great...
  6. Nelo

    Please help- My betta's health seems to have taken a turn

    I posted in the getting started section as I thought it was an appropriate place since my tank is new, however now I really need help with my betta. All of last week he was very happy and vibrant, zipping around the tank. I added 3 new Julii corys to my 10 gallon tank on the 10th, then left...
  7. Nelo

    10 gallon - 1 fish died..

    I am extremely sad to report that one of my Julii corycats died over the weekend :( I bought a trio from Petco on the 10th. I left town on the 11th and came back today to find one of them laying lifeless on top of a little cave I have for them. Being the sensitive soul that I am I cried for a...
  8. Nelo

    New 10 g tank, seeking tips and advice

    Hi there, this is my first post on the forum. I have been reading around on here and other sites for a while and have decided to join in. I currently have a 10 gallon Topfin starter tank from Petsmart. The only fish I have in there is my male Elephant Ear Betta, Brock (from Venture Bros..). My...
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