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  1. SooImSteven

    How to treat Ich and low pH?

    To treat ich is pretty sinple. First I would feed some green beans to the fish, and add the right amount of salt to the tank, then I would add some API ich treatment for 1 or 2 weeks, then do a 25% water change to the tank after one week. Also heating up the tank would help the process.
  2. SooImSteven

    My 20 gallon long goldfish tank

    I know that my tank is not the best looking tank, but please criticize me about my tank, I want it to look perfect, and I am not planning you get live plant for my tank, thanks for reading. Also, post some pictures of your aquarium as well! Thanks.
  3. SooImSteven

    Goldfish oranda eye getting cover

    BTW, does anyone know a trusty vet around Tempe, Arizona?
  4. SooImSteven

    Goldfish oranda eye getting cover

    Alright, thanks for the info, now I probably going to find a fish vet or do it myself. Thanks for replies, this is my 1st post.
  5. SooImSteven

    Goldfish oranda eye getting cover

    But from what I see, the white part under he's eyes is also covering his eyes.
  6. SooImSteven

    Goldfish oranda eye getting cover

    I've notice that my oranda left eye is getting cover up by his own body, and the right eye is slowly getting cover as well, what can I do to save her? And what causes it?
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