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  1. S

    Tank care for road warrior

    And i forgot, i have 2 pleco's and 2red tail sharks! I am home almost every weekend. Occasionally, I will be out 2 weeks back-to-back. I did purchase an auto feeder and it seems to be working well, so far. Relying on someone to come by on a consistent basis is out of the question. I live very...
  2. S

    Tank care for road warrior

    I travel very extensively for my work. I have a 55 gal tank...I read the larger the tank the more stable it is. What advice can you give that will assist me in keeping a healthy tank. Currently I have 3 Angels, 5 neons, 5 tiger barbs, 2 dwarf frogs, 1Dinosaur Bichir and 1Dalmation Molly. The...
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