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  1. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    I have just been email tagging with Rachel O' Leary who was catching up her emails cause shes on vacation. she just loves my aquascape and thinks I should do a writeup with pics for AGA lol I told her I should define my Terrestial Aquascapeing Genre and do a writeup on that adding this build...
  2. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    super heavy duty I only have 2 turned on out of the 4. the light is nice it has 2 switches 1 for inner 2 lights and 1 for outer 2 4 6500k t5ho grow bulbs with polished hammered metal reflector for a total of 10,000 Lumens...
  3. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    yes using pressurized CO2 enrichment Commonly used with what is called High Tech planted tanks. CO2 infused into the tank allows the plants to grow better and produce rich vibrant colors. usually used with hard to grow plants high lights co2 enriched. most plants can be grown without it but a...
  4. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    NP Right Now I am trying to design my next scape for my other 40B but it might take a bit as I MUST outdo this one rofl
  5. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Ok I have my Micranthemum sp "Monte Carlo", planted and my Hemianthus Callitrichoides (HC) dwarf baby tears done and my Utricularia Graminifolia around my tree. oh and my Bylxa Jap planted at end of wall And I can finally call the tank Completed. well other than fish and shrimps and that but all...
  6. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Ok guys well I am working on my next tank which was sort of a challenge tank. I got with Rachel O'Leary one of the foremost eggspurts on Nano fish and told her I wanted her to pick the fish for the next tank for me but not tell me what they are. I told her just need the water parameters and...
  7. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Oh just wait for the next one I did something today I think is going to make the next one top even this one rofl will tell details later after water changes
  8. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    well this is tank showcase thread and so i figured i was showcasing my tank in general area. if i put it in planted tank section most often only ppl gonna visit that section are plant ppl. so I think I got it in the right spot but ty for mentioning it in case i was thinking in a dif place
  9. Proflooney

    Carpet plant

    I agree abt the easiest abd best bet also fairly cheap too would be Dwarf sag for your parameters but I would try to find better lighting. it would help though if you were to tell us what size tank you have and what lighting? for simple setup I would suggest this light its inexspensive (for...
  10. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    lol yea but will be worth it
  11. Proflooney

    Carpet plant

    many kinds of mosses make nice carpets too
  12. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    lol well smoosh her down and we will toss her in the tank
  13. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    yea should look good with all those colors at the different areas of the water
  14. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Hara jerdoni (Asian Stone Catfish/Dwarf Anchor Catfish) Danio margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio/Galaxy Raspbora) Paracheirodon simulans (Green Neon Tetra/ False Neon) Axelrodi riesei (Ruby Tetra) Espei rasboras (Lambchop Raspbora) Danio tinwini Caridina multidentata...
  15. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    well thats my plants since I did them I guess I might as well do my livestock also
  16. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Round Pellia (Lomariopsis Lineata) Sagittaria subulata (Dwarf Sagitaria) Christmas moss Utricularia graminifolia
  17. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Lobelia cardinalis Ludwigia repens x L. arcuata Micranthemum sp. "Montecarlo" Pogostemon helferi
  18. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Cyperus helferi Eleocharis belem (hairgrass) Hemianthus callitrichoides (dwarf baby tears) Hygrophila pinnatifida Hygrophilia corymbosa (temple compacta)
  19. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    I figured when I look at pics always wonder what certain plants are so I figured I would post pictures of all the plants in my tank (or soon to be) so ppl dont need to ask or can say hey I want one them cool plants in my tank. alternanthera reineckii sp. 'mini' anubias nana (petite bonsai)...
  20. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    But now I have the start of an Algae problem it is a really fine green algae all over my moss and starting on some of my plants
  21. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    lol in the above pic you can see a fine line of pearling bubbles going across front of tree from my sag
  22. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    Well today I got some Cyperus Helferi for behind the tree and basically the left back wall of the tank. it will be great back there as it is fine leafed grass and will grow to top of tank where I will keep it trimmed. when it grows and thickens up will form a nice place for my Nano fish to...
  23. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    OK I just ordered rest of my plants from Nilocg Colin it is nice being able to get my plants and ferts from one place at reasonable prices I highly reccomend him if you need something. I will be getting some Dwarf Baby Tears, and some Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo' for my ground cover, 2...
  24. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    I just wished my tank would get loaded with little bubbles from pearling like some tanks I see where there is a steady flow. Im getting pearling but its a bubble here and there etc not a big mass of them lol
  25. Proflooney

    40B Irish Countryside

    also noticed now I dropped my co2 down to 1 DPS my reactor got quiet ))
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