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  1. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    Thanks a lot to all. I will have to find the killer shrimp a new home
  2. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    Do you think this could be a macrobrachium? The previous owner of the tank was very vague with contents. I only agreed to take the fish to save them from being flushed. This is defiantly an aggressive little shrimp who has killed 2 neons in 2 days
  3. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    And here stalking the neon
  4. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    Here is the little critter
  5. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    Thanks and happy Boxing Day .
  6. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    Hi. No he actively hunts them. They were actively swimming about and he grabs them one by one and proceeds to hold them then feast on their heads before letting their bodies float away. This doesn't seem like normal ghost shrimp behaviour from what I have read
  7. G

    Evil Killer Ghost Shrimp

    I recently inherited a mature aquarium which had (what I believe to be) a ghost shrimp. I bought three neon tetras yesterday and now have only one left!! Within 2mins the shrimp had devoured one neon and ate the second one over night. Has anyone else had this problem? I have read that these...
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