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  1. P

    Hippo tang

    Emperor angel should be out of quarantine this week, should set him straight...I hope
  2. P

    Hippo tang

    On another note, anybody have a yellow tang turn suddenly from semi aggressive to full on bully. Caught mine terrorizing even the cleaner shrimp.
  3. P

    Hippo tang

    Once established no problems. Seems capture/shipping has a lot to do with it, especially powders and hippos. Heard every tank has and will always have crypto irritans at some level, it's how the fish and their immune system can handle it. What do you think?
  4. P

    Hippo tang

    Can't stress enough, watch for ich....I've been battling tangs and ich for years. Matter of fact I have a hippo in hypo salinity treatment now. With tangs,def have a quarantine/hospital tank ready.
  5. P

    Hippo tang

    Absolutely normal for this fish to hide,play dead, and to squeeze onto the craziest places. Just watch for ich, they seem to be sensitive. They are omnivores and should be feed both greens and proteins.... Mine like formula pellets. Good luck.
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