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  1. J

    Help with plants-- brown/yellow spots and holes

    Well, hate to say it, but it is now affecting all my plants, rapidly, and two have lost all their leaves. Could it be a phosphate deficiency?
  2. J

    Help with plants-- brown/yellow spots and holes

    Well, it is a fluorescent light and the bulb looks slightly purple--the guy who had it before me used it for a saltwater tank.
  3. J

    Help with plants-- brown/yellow spots and holes

    55 gal, bought the tank and light used so I don't know the age or what kind of light it is. I use floramax substrate but no extra fertilizers. The plants are all from petco or the local marine warehouse... I have 5 mollies, 1 platy, 2 guppies and 7 tetra.
  4. J

    Help with plants-- brown/yellow spots and holes

    Hi! I'm hoping someone might be able to help me figure out what's going on with my planted tank. Some leaves are wilting, some have brown/yellow spots, holes, and one leaf looks like it's just disintegrating. Test strips show good pH, nitrite and nitrate levels, and fish are doing great. Any...
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