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  1. T

    Starting a 29 gallon dirted

    Ok. I have a 29 gallon tank. I want to plant it. I'm obsessed with the idea of dirting it but its all so overwhelming to me. I'm thinking of using miracle grow organic soil with gravel on top. Do I need to add clay? And would clay cat littler work (without additives) if it is necessary...
  2. T

    Plants in gravel?

    Thank you all for your advise!
  3. T

    Plants in gravel?

    I'm reading that these tabs can discolor the water. How long does that typically last. Is it safe for the fish or can over fertilizing harm them?
  4. T

    Plants in gravel?

    What is a root tab? I'm sorry I know very little about plants. Thank you for the reply!
  5. T

    Plants in gravel?

    Hi I'm fairly new to this hobby and I have a few questions about plants in my 10 gallon. I would like to have a planted tank but my current substrate is gravel. Are there any plants that can grow in gravel? Or would I need to switch out the substrate for something else? Are there any easy to...
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