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  1. Other (rainbows/brackish/unusual)

    Other (rainbows/brackish/unusual)

  2. Members SW Tanks

    Members SW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  3. Cichlids


  4. Misc, Multiple Species

    Misc, Multiple Species

  5. Large Polyped Stoney

    Large Polyped Stoney

  6. Aquatic Ponds

    Aquatic Ponds

    Post photos of your Aquatic pond.
  7. Clownfish and Damsels

    Clownfish and Damsels

  8. Shrimps, Crabs and Lobsters

    Shrimps, Crabs and Lobsters

  9. F

    SAS Aquarium Auction May 7th, 2006

    Hey all you Aquarists! The Sacramento Aquarium Society is putting together a mega auction/swap meet on may 7th. This is for fresh and salt, including live goods and equipment. Here are the details Round Table Pizza 9500 Greenback Lane Swap between 5pm-7pm Auction begins at 7:30pm Prebook...
  10. F

    Buddy Pics- Fishy Friends

    Firefish and Watermelon swimming together. If you look between the lower fins of the firefish and the beginning of the back fin of the wrasse, you can the where my CBS got very buddy buddy with him. It took over a year, but its now just a small scar.
  11. F

    Discus tankmates

    as others have said, i would only suggest cories, small tetras (neons or cardinals) and possible small pleco species. You dont want anything competitive, or anything large in the middle water regions. Most discus experts have come to the conclusion that no tankmates is best, but what fun is...
  12. F

    "Tunnel" Tanks

    My local store (AquaWorld Aquarium) had one of these set up saltwater, very nice. Make sure you have the brushes to get into the tubes though. How were you planning on attaching wiring? and i would suggest and cirlce of acylis with hole of your choise drilled in, then glue that in or make it...
  13. F

    fish suggestions please

    I would not suggest the common pleco. They get way too big for your ten gallon. If you are looking for an algae eater, the otocinclus is probably the best fish for the job, cheap small and tough as nails, or at least in my experience. Unfortuantly the tiger barbs can be rather aggressive, so be...
  14. F

    shell dweller tankmates

    I recently set up a thirty-five gallon hexagon tank with neolamprologus multifasciatus (shell dwellers) and a (sunset?) tropheus. the tank its quite high, and all in it right now is snad, lots of shells, and couple of large river rocks. any ideas on decoration setup (rocks, etc) or tankmates...
  15. F

    northern cali frags Come to one of our meeting, there are several coral suppliers. The only one i can think of off the top of my head is this guy is local and has great stuff. Ben
  16. F

    Ever happen to you?

    No, its that you need to move on to SW :wink: JOIN US!!! Ben
  17. F

    LS without LR to get cycling?

    I would wait becuase once you have your sand in there, getting rock to pistion is somechat difficult. If you add rock first, It is at the bottom of the tank and more stable. If you add it after sand is in, rock may have sand between it and the bottom, creating dead zones, and if something ever...
  18. F

    terracotta pots for caves

    Dremel also works well to take out the bottom of the pot, insert into the drain hole and circe till there is no bottom left. I use that for my dwarf cichlids and they seem very happy. Just make sure to sand and brush after your done to get rid of sharp points, pieces that will cruble and cloud...
  19. F

    plant suggestions?

    Um, problem with sharck ple and catfish are that most are not sutible for a malawain tank environment, some cats are from tangayika though Ben
  20. F

    Eclipse System 3 filter may be too strong for my betta

    Keep him in the cycled tank! putting this fish into a brand new tank is not healthy. Keep him in the tank where he is healthy, cycle the eclipse, and then add him when it is done with ammonia and nitrite spikes Ben
  21. F

    plant suggestions?

    I'd go with the hardy plants, some java fern, val, maybe dwarf chain sword. Make sure stuff is weighted down, a lot of cichlids will pull stuff up. What type of cichlids are going in? Ben
  22. F

    Cichlid Pond

    I sucessfully kept firemouth, convicts, and jack dempsey in large outdoor tubs wityh no problem. They were small enough to heat up slightly, but the fish did womderfull and got better coloration than they ever had in my tanks. Also, i did nearly no feeding and they were fat n' happy. Ben
  23. F

    White Star Polyps

    Yes they are. I wont be able to post a pic till i work again, which is friday, but i will get one on! Ben
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