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  1. R

    mysterious fish deaths

    dead fish /ammonia buildup first off I want to thank everybody who responded, :thanks: now I tried something sort of like an experiment,and what i found will shock most of you,as it did me. My 36gal tank was sitting not doing anything really,no fish, so filled with water checked pH and so...
  2. R

    mysterious fish deaths

    ammonia no good well to answer your question, I've never used an ammonia media before, but after putting this in the fish started dying,after removing this and cleaning everything up, everything is back to normal I can't explain it but this is the logical deduction won't you say. but I'm going...
  3. R

    mysterious fish deaths

    Thanks for the reply's , but have eliminated several culprits, the carbon which I've changed several times and have had no problems, the bio-media was one problem, second was the ammonia media that's the main culprit, when I placed the ammonia media in my filter it contaminated all the...
  4. R

    mysterious fish deaths

    I'm kinda new at this,but I need help i recently bought 55gal tank,exchanged from 36gal now I'm running two 110 power filters, this went on for two weeks everything was fine, until last night/ changed the media out, bio-max- charcoal- and added ammonia filter - rinsed sponge - everything was...
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