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  1. ecadnac7

    Fancy goldfish help

    Ph 6 Nitrite 0.5-1 Nitrate 40
  2. ecadnac7

    Fancy goldfish help

    The mass has been there for months. I have had issues with this fish floating at the surface before but have been able to cure that only to have this problem now. ?
  3. ecadnac7

    Fancy goldfish help

    I don't know all the parameters. It's a 37 gal tank. I change the water every 2wks.
  4. ecadnac7

    Fancy goldfish help

    This fish lays at the bottom but still try's to eat. Can't swim though. Has a cyst type mass protruding from behind body on tail. Been this way for a couple weeks. I've had him for a couple years and feel bad I can't help.
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