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  1. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    Just a little update the ammonia has stayed at 0 ppm finally....that took a while....the nitrate is .25 ppm, and nitrite is 0 ppm. Unfortunately, the pleco tankmate of the sick goldfish died yesterday :(
  2. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    Well he finished up the recommended course of antibiotics and stayed another couple days in the isolation tank. The main tank ammonia is down to 0 ppm since he hasn't been in I moved him back this morning. Came home for lunch and he was swimming around again :? So he was just...
  3. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    No problem. Thinner no. But bigger not really either....he has always been a large fish that flares in the front and tapers towards the tail. So if he is bigger it isn't much. When looking around I had seen dropsy mentioned as being a possibility but his scales aren't sticking up.....but I...
  4. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    We generally feed him once a day (except wednesday and friday because of my work schedule)...leave the food for about 5 minutes and if he doesn't eat it all we remove the remaining food. The Rena Filstar XP2 is rated at 300 gph, and the Penguin 350 Biowheel is rated at 350 gph in the main...
  5. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    He is being treated in the isolation tank which is the 29 gallon tank.....we did since we had the isolation tank already setup and running because we were preping it for new fish. Since he has been moved and being treated he has been hanging out at the bottom of the isolation tank....which is...
  6. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    I use the pH, Nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia kits from aquaruim pharmaceticuls Just stress coat if we have to handle/move the fish for some reason.
  7. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    This tank isn't 4 years old the fish in question started in a 5 gallon, tank then a 10, then the 29, and now the 47. So he has been i nthis tank only since about January. Yeah I have never been able to get the ammonia readings down since he got over about 6 inches long and was moved into the...
  8. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    Well normally he is in the 47 gallon tank but since the tail rot he was moved to the 29 gallon isolation tank. In the isolation tank: Ammonia tests below what is detectable on the store kit. As do the nitrite and nitrate levels. Edit: Sorry for not including this originally I was at work...
  9. J

    Goldfish Hanging out on the Bottom

    Hello all. I am rather concerned about one of my fish and I was hoping I could get some advice on what may be the problem. I have a large Comet that recently contracted fin rot :( So I moved him to the isolation tank and started treating him with tetracycline....after 3 days he is looking...
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