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  1. F

    Ultimate Goldfish aquarium.

    Oh dear I think my tank is to small! It's an Eheim Scubaline 140 with a Eheim 250 classic. I use a surface skimmer and just about to install a magnavore simplicity with purigen. Next step is a uv steriliser. I change around 30l every Friday and feed the boys twice a day of Hakari sinking...
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    Goldfish Advice!

    Just thought I'd add that Anubis is ok unless you trim the old leaves off and leave nice young tender leaves and shoots. Mine lasted a day after doing so but "H" was a very happy goldfish!
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    Canister filter.

    I have to say that I think the Eheim classic range of filters give you a lot of bang for your buck! They just keep going :)
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    Ultimate Goldfish aquarium.

    Hi everyone, Forgive me if this topic has already being created but I was wondering what peoples opinion would be of the ultimate setup for three fantails. Post away and let me have your thoughts.
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    goldfish food

    I'd feed them a max of twice a day with one fasting day a week. Peas are good and helps their digestion :)
  6. F

    New Pics Of My 90 Gallon Goldfish

    Found out how to check out profiles but not how to update mine :( I love Florida, been about ten times over the years mainly to Lakeland. I live in the UK but am lucky to have friends in the states hence my frequent visits :) last visit was to Mainville in Ohio. Hoping to go again for Christmas...
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    New Pics Of My 90 Gallon Goldfish

    Thank you :) my tanks pretty simple. 120l with three fancies, H is my fave and interacts with me. Filter is an Eheim 250 which I'm going to supplement with a chemical reactor running purigen. This will be in a corner of the tank run by an Eheim compact 300. Saving up so next month going to get...
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    New Pics Of My 90 Gallon Goldfish

    Sounds good, I have a simple 120l tank with a eheim 250. Just ordered a reactor to go inside for purigen to keep my nitrates under control, tap water is rubbish were I live. Only just joined so will take a pic of H and use him for my profile pic :) would appreciate it if you could list the exact...
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    Making a nitrate filter!!

    Hi, I'm about to start using purigen in my tank. Will be using a reactor so will let you know how I get on. I have three goldies in a 120l tank and the nitrates are always high, due in part to the tap water. Good luck with yours, goldies aren't fish but pets :)
  10. F

    New Pics Of My 90 Gallon Goldfish

    Great pics and a lovely tank :) what filtration do you use?
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