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  1. J

    Quick question on wc.

    Thanks to all who have answered in the past. This could be a dumb question. 60 gallons and six fish. I have not done a water change since 5/18. Since that date my numbers are: ph 7.8, ammonia .25(my tap water is .25), nitrite 0, nitrate 0. These number are staying consistent. Should I be...
  2. J

    Question if you will.

    Ugh big thumbs. Happy Father's Day.
  3. J

    Question if you will.

    Thanks to the community again. I did add one more African, it was beautiful and a good deal. I don't keep the names as others do, maybe one day I will get there. Kids are happy, fish are happy and mom is happy. I'll try to get pics up one day. Most importantly thank you and to all of the dad and...
  4. J

    Question if you will.

    No I really don't think that the .25 is having any effect.
  5. J

    Question if you will.

    Thx I'll look into it. Fish are great, healthy and feeding great.
  6. J

    Question if you will.

    We'll thank you. I got around to testing the tap water today and it is .25. The same as the tank water. So I guess a question would be..... Do I leave it sit at .25 since it's held that for many weeks or add something like an ammo lock product when I do water changes. Thanks again, shame on me...
  7. J

    Question if you will.

    Don't beat me up to bad. A rook trying to learn
  8. J

    Question if you will.

    Tap treated only with stress zymeplus
  9. J

    Question if you will.

    Well I need to establish a base which I neglected to do to I will test the tap in the morning.
  10. J

    Question if you will.

    API freshwater master test kit.
  11. J

    Question if you will.

    Thx, bad habit. I never did a tap water test. I knew that I should have just forget too.
  12. J

    Question if you will.

    Ohhh and the 5 Africans are no larger than 2" tops
  13. J

    Question if you will.

    Thanks for the reply. By my notes, which the kids and I chart, my ammonia has sat at .25 forthe past 90 days. Nitrites hit 0'at 4/26 and has sat at 0, so I thought that I had cycled. The tank start up was on 3/29. Very careful with the food. It was a fish in cycle attempt. Am I missing...
  14. J

    Question if you will.

    You have all been so great and the tips are fantastic and appreciated. An easy or not so easy question. On good care (65 gallon 5 fish) my numbers are Ph 8, ammonia, .25, nitrite, 0 nitrate .20. My numbers have been the same for three weeks. Soooo do I need a weekly water change? Or when...
  15. J

    Easy question I hope

    Thx all. I did set up a timer the other night. It's in a finished basement so the timer is on the blue LEDs, the lids I can turn on when needed. Water tonight after a good algae scrubbing last week is: ph 7.8, ammonia 0, nitrite,0 and nitrate 20. I feel great with those numbers, I'll watch the...
  16. J

    Easy question I hope

    Poor thinking on my part. The numbers are still perfect. I never thought that an artificial light could do that. Like you can not get a tan or sunburn through a window.
  17. J

    Easy question I hope

    Thx tcc, read your bio. Your passion is impressive.
  18. J

    Easy question I hope

    Ugh. Live and learn. Thanks again.
  19. J

    Easy question I hope

    Thanks again all. I'm just surprised that it was the lights. I had a rule put to me from the wife. As long as it doesn't look bad. Well the algae didn't help but that's on me. Then11 year old and I scrubbed it out tonight. Looking much better. Sooooo I have blue led lights under the gravel. Same...
  20. J

    Easy question I hope

    Good stuff friend, thanks. I've been using this for the three kids, we test nightly and chart everything together by spreadsheet. I never would have guessed the lights but it makes sense. Thx and cheers.
  21. J

    Easy question I hope

    Could it really relate to feeding? I feed about every three days and drop by drop for a minute. I trust your thoughts, it just hit so quick.
  22. J

    Easy question I hope

    Thank you. Yea I guess I do leave the lights on all day. It's in the basement so makes for cool lighting. Guess that isn't to bright but did not think about it. Feeding is every three days no more. Thx so much.
  23. J

    Easy question I hope

    Water temp is 78 too.
  24. J

    Easy question I hope

    New here, but a stalker for months. I just re-set up a 65 g. tank. All is/ was going well, Africans. So ph is 8.0,ammonia is .25, nitrites 0 and nitrates 10. It has done a great live cycle, lots of water changes. I should have read first. Question is if anyone has a thought. I had a high algae...
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